X-box Live!


Jan 5, 2004
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I recently got a X-Box and the games Burnout 3 and Splinter Cell. Both support the X-Box Live! function, and I would like to try those out. But I don't want to buy one of those starter Kits and I heard about those 2 months trials you get with selected game packs. Does anyone of you have one lying around and is not using it? It would be great if you could give me one.

Thanks in advance

LHC posted on Feb 7 2005 at 08:51 PM said:
Apparently if you threaten to cancel they send you a free game to keep you connected.
Are you serious?
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Hey, Vimacs, do you know anything about tha Xkai thingy? I can't get Xbox Live to run on my softmodded Xbox (@Memnoch: I couldn't use the data you gave me, it's still unused), I either get a black screen or a crash to my Dashboard. So this Xkai thing is a free alternative to Live? If so, do i NEED a PC runing in order to play Online?
Horscht: You can get live on softmodded xboxs, so long as you are running an original game and not a copy/from your HDD. Its a reasonably lengthy process which i forget the exact details of, but it invovlves booting to the MS dash, then running a specific cd file or something. If anywheres got the info its probably xbox-scene.net, probably somewhere in the forums. And yes, you do need a pc running to use xkai or xboxconnect
Horscht posted on Feb 7 2005 at 09:34 PM said:
Hey, Vimacs, do you know anything about tha Xkai thingy? I can't get Xbox Live to run on my softmodded Xbox (@Memnoch: I couldn't use the data you gave me, it's still unused), I either get a black screen or a crash to my Dashboard. So this Xkai thing is a free alternative to Live? If so, do i NEED a PC runing in order to play Online?
I sometimes use xbconnect (or used to). It required an Xbox networked to a PC with an ineternet connection.

It is cool though. Espescially because you could play Halo 1 online whereas you couldnt on Live. i just wish more games (PES4 in particular) offered a network multiplayer option so they could be played this way.
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Well, I think it is my Dash actually blocking Live. I heard there were dashs around that do that, and seeing UnleashX has awhole lot of features it probably has Live-Blocking, too
Horscht posted on Feb 7 2005 at 09:34 PM said:
I can't get Xbox Live to run on my softmodded Xbox (@Memnoch: I couldn't use the data you gave me, it's still unused), I either get a black screen or a crash to my Dashboard.

Damn. Unlucky mate. Keep the details anyway I don't need them. They might come in handy one day (although I doubt it).
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Well, can you play Burnout3 via Xlink? Because Splinter Cell doesn't have a multiplayer mode, It only allows you to download maps, so no Xlink compatibility here!
You have to boot to the origional dash to be able to play on live. You can't do it through a modded dash, microsoft aren't that stupid. I expect if you've tried to get on with a modded box that your xbox will have been banned on that account now anyway.
Well, I couldn't even enter the data, as when I selected "download levels" there was a message that I would need an subscription. When I pressed A, I came to a black screen, and My dLan adapter sat there doing noithing (nothing received, nothing sent). I can download skins and saves with UnleashX, tho, and listening to shoutcast in XBMC works, too. So, I'm not sure, what's the problem.