Softmodding An X-box


Jan 5, 2004
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lets asume i have bought an X-Box today. Now how would i softmod it? i mean, getting the necesary files isn't a big deal. And I can rent the required Game at our local Games-store. But how would i get the savefile onto my Memory card without using an AR? My buddy has modded an X-Box controler so he can use ti on his PC. Is there some software available that allows me, to connect his controller to my PC with the memory card plugged in, and then transfer the files over? Can I patch any X-Box that way? I read somewhere, that all X-Boxes up to version 1.6 can be hacked, but are there newer versions available? If so, are those hackable, too? If not, how can I determine, if I buy a 1.6 version and not, let's say, an 1.8?

thanks in advance

well, i read posts, where people were reporting they softmodded their 1.8 version with this softmod installer (whixh I already downloaded), and there was also a post mentioning I could use a compatible USB stick in order to transfer that savegame to the X-Box HDD (or was it the mem-card?). How do i know if one of my 2 USB sticks (both 128Mb) is compatible?
last I checked, every version released so far could be softmodded. I haven't been there recently so I didn't even know there was a 1.8 though :P But I do know that softmodding a new one is not nearly as simple a proposition as softmodding an older one.

Every question you could possibly have is or can be answered at There is a HUGE section in the forums on softmodding. I believe the user there by the screen name of Ldots (or is it Idots? I forget) has a package of all the tools you need to softmod newer systems with UDE 2 (Ultimate Dashboard Exploit 2, which is the exploit you want to use). Look for posts with those details.