Wtb:any Psp Capable Of Running 3.02b


Dec 27, 2005
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just like the title says i would like to buy a psp capable of running that new custom firmware any offers would be appreciated, name your price also
Ando should get the first offers...but if Ando rejects an offer, I'll be interested in a PSP that runs OE-B 3.02 firmware. I believe when he says "capable of" he's referring to Dark Alex's OE-B release, and anything able to be downgraded to v1.5 firmware is able to do this.

Ando, this could very well be an "official: need a PSP with OE-B 3.02 firmware" thread. ;P
Life with 3.02 OE-B is great, backed up twelve of my games all running perfect, good luck finding someone who will want to get rid of theres. Now 2.80 is downgradeable you might have some luck.
It really is quite easy coming by a downgradeable psp nowadays

With up to 2.8 and ta-082 boards being dowgradeable its pretty easy to get your hands on one

Check out second hand stores like CEX who offer 12mnth warranty or you can even go to less busy shops who stock psp
could you give me a link to one of these stores?

and i am hearing that for some psp systems (mainly the blue ones) you need to hard downgrade them is this easy? or am i completely wrong. think i should check out the maxconsole forums a bit also

man this would have been an easy buy if my friend didn't loose his, a 70 $ psp would have been nice from him <_<

thanks for the responses guys :)

EDIT: this CEX place, i think its in the UK i'm in the US :(
I downgraded mine a few months back. Mine was a storebought from Wal-Mart(but from over a year ago) and had no issues.

The other 2 PSP's I bought were from eBay. I paid no more than $140 USD shipped and both had firmware I could easily downgrade. I didn't buy 1.50 because they sell higher for obvious reasons.

I bought a 2.00 and a 2.51(I think - it's been a while). The 2.00 was perfect in every way and was $140 shipped. The 2.51 complained about screen scratches and cost me $116. I slapped a new $5 faceplate on it and it too is now perfect. Downgraded both and we've got one happy 1.5 household. :) Of course we still had to get 2GB cards but those cost me $40 shipped each at the time. I see they're about $30 shipped now.

I see a lot disagreement over eBay-ing but if you are willing to do the homework and be patient about asking questions you can get excellent quality PSP's on eBay cheap. I did. :)
yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on Dec 30 2006 at 12:13 AM said:
Ando where do you live?

i got one though, my friend found his (70$). just need to wait for that two gig card in the mail :D

EDIT: calssic gamer, where did you buy your faceplate from? i have some scratches on this one also.
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