

Gamera, King of Monsters
Apr 10, 2004
Manchester England
I've been tempted to buy a Wonserswan for quite a while now because it looks like such a capable little system, but I've always been put off by the obvious drawback - most of the good games are Japanese language RPGs. Does anyone here own a Wonderswan Colour/Crystal? What good games are available for those of us who can't read Japanese?

I could pick up a SwanCrystal pretty cheap, so it's very tempting - http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-14-71-2s.html
I think there was only like 1 game that was complete english, but I don't remember what it is, the game I have, Gundam Mobile Petite 2 or something like that, its a fighting game and it is half and half, the after fight text is japanase but alot of other stuff is english, plus its fighting so you don't really need to know japanese, i think for non japanese speaking people, the only games your going to get pleasure out of are fighters, beat em ups, and shooters.

Also, you can get a good system for cheaper on ebay.
Yuck. I tried the system, a friend owned it. Such a small screen. I loved the 2 player layout, as it was designed by the guy who designed the original gameboy.

Emulate some of the games on your GP32 or on the pc, and then decide. And the wonderwitch, the addon to play downloadable freeware games, doesn't work very well, as there isn't a good source for the games, and there weren't many of them.

Just my 2 cents.

Definately get one. I sold my Swan Crystal, bought a FF2 limited edtion Wonderswan Color, and I also bought a Tare Panda limited edition wonderswan origanal. I don't know much Japanese, and the wonderswans are still fun. Get one!
Thanks for the opinions guys...guess I'll look in to buying a Crystal and a cyop of Mr Driller. I'd love some of those RPGs, but I'm not about to shell out ££ for something I wouldn't even understand <_<
I have one, and while there are some good games most are tottally inaccessable, and there are far better on other handhelds.

The screen is lovely though, on my crystal anyway.
The color has a "normal, old fashioned" LCD screen while the crystal has a TFT screen.

Definitly get one (the crystal). It's a fun handheld with some good games. Especially the puzzle games, these are very playable without knowing japanese. There are also some decent music/rhytm games as well as some sport games.

If you can get hold of a wonder-linker (very hard these days) you can also play the translated Final Fantasy roms. Another fun accessorie is the Wonder borg. A remote insect that can be programmed using the wonderswan.
I used to have one of these but ended up selling it to pay for gp32. I have to say that I really liked the machine. The crystal is really portable and i seem to remember that it only used 1 battery.

I am actually considering buying one again. Anybody know any good english fan sites for info?
vf10a posted on Aug 12 2004 at 02:15 PM said:
I am actually considering buying one again. Anybody know any good english fan sites for info?
A good question. I've searched and only found one dedicated Swan site in English, but it was half finished and most of the links were dead.
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Old topic I know but I really didn't think my question was worth starting a new one. Well.. I got a wonderswan again and was wondering :D whether anyone could recommend any good carry cases of an appropriate size?
Yeah. they DO look awesome.

Im suprised at the brightness of the colors, and the quality of the graphics!
I recently got myself SwanCrystal (had Color earlier). The SwanCrystal rocks when it comes to the display -- although a backlight would make it perfect <_<
http://www.deadcoderssociety.org/www/tmp/swancrystal.jpg Playing WonderSnake...
There are two things I dislike on this wonderful handheld: 1) direction buttons (x1-x4/y1-y4) are imho bad conpared to e.g. NGPC & GBA.. 2) games have still outrageous prices.