Wonder Boy Ii: Monsterland


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
I hope I put this in the right section.

I think I have come across a glitch in the game.

I believe im on level 7, and I defeated the blue knight. I got the key, which opened the door to the right of the blue knight battle. I fell down into a large cave, and i can only go right....

at the far right, the only thing that exists is a building, where you can purchase either the "legendary boots", or the "winged boots". I bought the winged boots, and left. The building is demolished now, which leaves it inaccessible.

it appears as though im stuck in the cave. I cant go left (i fell down the well type thingy) and I cant go right, b/c after the building, there is nothing.

I even checked for secret doors. NOTHING :(

I looked at a few FAQs, and they ALL say to go right after beating the blue knight, not left like I did.

I think im stuck ;) . anybody know what to do??
How does the I need help forum for the gp32 looks like the right place to ask questions about games you are stuck in???

Again, Other Consoles forum or go to Gamefaqs.

And, sorry, I can`t help you as I didn`t play that game.
Ouch that sounds like a bug to me. I assume you;re playing it emulated which makes it entirely possible. I've experiences a couple of times in other games were doing the wrong things because it isnt clearly suggested what you;re supposed to do results in a roadblock.

Otherwise I'd say scout around and see if there's anything that might help you advance by using the new item you bought.
Quiest posted on Oct 13 2005 at 05:07 PM said:
How does the I need help forum for the gp32 looks like the right place to ask questions about games you are stuck in???

Again, Other Consoles forum or go to Gamefaqs.

And, sorry, I can`t help you as I didn`t play that game.
well sorrrry

i guess i have to start over then ;)
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