Wolfenstein 3d On Atari St


Jan 28, 2004
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Yeah, i already know this exists on our GeePee but anyway if anyone is interested there is an Atari ST version of Wolf 3D:

wolfenstein 3d

It calims it can do 15fps on a vanilla Atari ST! :) So if anyone tries it please let me know the results... i would but my Gp32 is out of action.

No way

A standard st is 7.14 mhz i think.

An amiga couldn't even run wolfenstein...

A standard a1200 14mhz had a hard time running gloom wich was much simpler than wolfenstein.
cozmic posted on Aug 27 2004 at 02:14 PM said:
No way

A standard st is 7.14 mhz i think.

An amiga couldn't even run wolfenstein...

A standard a1200 14mhz had a hard time running gloom wich was much simpler than wolfenstein.

I think Gloom was more complex than Wolf3d and you got to remember that Gloom was writen in Basic :| well Blitz basic or was it basic Blitz I forget
I have played some Cheap 3d engines on a standard A1200 wolf3d quality and they are playable
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Yeah but 3d @ 15fps is a lot on an 7.14 mhz amiga.

Tha amiga relied on several co processors for graphics, wich were mostly 2d.
Maybe one of us should give it a shot on an ST emu and see if its real or not before we all start saying whether or not its possible :P. Its not like its an unreleased program with nothing but screenshots and claims to its name - there's a package to download.

Personally, I think its perfectly possible. After all, Genesis had an unreleased - if slightly dodgy and with the wrong levels - version of Duke Nukem 3D. And it has roughly the same specs as an ST, iirc. So surely an ST with the same processor ought to be able to manage something like Wolf 3D, which I'd say was worse, at least graphically.

I cbf, but it'd be worth doing, I suspect.
Well, I've played it on CaSTaway - and it seems to work OK, although (IIRC) its not full screen....

Yeah there is no reason why this can't be done, there were loads of smooth raycasting demos on the A500, and I had one running with a short view distance in 2 bit / 4 bit mode very fast after only a few afternoons of playing on my A500+ back in the gloom days.


craigix posted on Aug 27 2004 at 09:06 PM said:
Yeah there is no reason why this can't be done, there were loads of smooth raycasting demos on the A500, and I had one running with a short view distance in 2 bit / 4 bit mode very fast after only a few afternoons of playing on my A500+ back in the gloom days.



Gloom was as complex as Doom AFAIR.
Wolf3D would also run on an old Amiga (well, you'd have to write it in assembler and tweak a lot... but it would run)
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