WMV/ASF --> .avi or .mpg?

Funnily enough that's the pretty much the argument of GBA over GP32 ..... pure gaming vs utility. Don't know what that has to do with the price of fish but it just seem relevant when I started writing this.

I did used to be a die hard Niny fan until recently, but I think the change from loving my cube to being more into Xbox has more to do with me than Ninetendo. In as much as I have so much more happening in my life at the moment that I did say when I was at high school or college I just don't have the time to sit and savour Nintendo games such as Metriod and Zelda. So im having to go for the quick fix which Xbox provides more of (well discounting morowind, damn i wish i had the time for that beautiful game) and the same with the classics of old on my GP, 10 mins of R-Type nicly passes the time. those shootem ups and platformers fill the snippets of spare time I have where I just dont have the time to "get in to" Zelda. :( :( :(