Wiz-Ti92: A Ti-92 Calculator Emulator V1.1.0 For Wiz


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi all,

XTiger is an unix emulator (under X Window) of a TI-92 calculator (Texas instruments).
It was originally written by Jonas Minnberg and was closed source.
Jonas Minnberg has not worked on XTiger for quite a while and he gave
Misha Nasledov the code and permission to GPL it.

Here is a port on GP2X-Wiz of the version i've previously ported to PSP.

This version supports the Wiz Touch screen, for both menus and virtual keyboard !

The package is under GPL Copyright and sources are included.

Many TI92 stuff can be found on the following urls :

http://www.ticalc.org, and on the texas instruments web site http://education.ti.com

Here is a PDF version of the manual : http://www.smendes.com/ti89.pdf




UPDATE: you can download it here :
This is great! Thanks. :)
I don't own a TI calculator, but this is still MUCH better than the inbuilt calculator. ;)

One question though, is there a way to change the current F "tab"? Since the Wiz has too little keys for direct F key emulation,
it would be need if one was able to navigate between F1, F2 etc. using L and R or something like that. Is that possible in a way?
Some interesting links for the people :) :





I suppose this is freeware, if is not sorry and erase the links.
Thanks for this! I have a TI-84 but this is a lot more convenient to carry around and doesn't require keeping AAA batteries around. I can't wait to try this!
I've been fiddling around with this excellent emulator for the last few hours, but I still can't work out how to run programs on it!
Can anybody help me to run any of the included games/apps (arkanoid/mahjongg etc.), I've loaded them from the emulator menu screen, but what do I do now?
(I've tried everything including reading loads of TI-92 stuff on the web, it's all seems foreign to me!)
Cheers, Neil

Another question, can you run 'TI-92 plus' games etc. on this or just 'TI-92' ones?
Neil L said:
I've been fiddling around with this excellent emulator for the last few hours, but I still can't work out how to run programs on it!
Can anybody help me to run any of the included games/apps (arkanoid/mahjongg etc.), I've loaded them from the emulator menu screen, but what do I do now?
(I've tried everything including reading loads of TI-92 stuff on the web, it's all seems foreign to me!)
Cheers, Neil

Once you have loaded let's say arkanoid.92 program then go back to the emulator.
Press select to open the "virtual keyboard", the L-Trigger - L-Trigger to display the keyboard panel with TI-92 commands.
Choose the Var-Link command using the touch screen or using Down Key + X
It should display the Var link windows where you can choose the program you want to load "Arkanoid PRGM 3995".
Select it with X, it should then display "arkanoid(". You just have to put another ")" and use ENTER key.
After few seconds arkanoid should run ...

Neil L said:
Another question, can you run 'TI-92 plus' games etc. on this or just 'TI-92' ones?

It works only for TI-92 program.
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looki said:
This is great! Thanks. :)
I don't own a TI calculator, but this is still MUCH better than the inbuilt calculator. ;)

One question though, is there a way to change the current F "tab"? Since the Wiz has too little keys for direct F key emulation,
it would be need if one was able to navigate between F1, F2 etc. using L and R or something like that. Is that possible in a way?

You can still map F1 to a key and then use the cursor to move from F1 or other Fx. You can also redefine all the key mappings in keyboard menu, using L trigger / R trigger key combination.
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Okay, thanks. :)
Actually I found out that you can access the F keys from the on-screen keyboard as well.
Sorry to go off topic, but I have to say that every time I see the name zx-81 it reminds me of the Yamaha TX81Z synth, which is sort of relevant to this board since it is very similar in capabilities to the Yamaha YM2612 chip used in the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. Anyway, I'm rambling so I'll stop now :)