JimmySlam said:
You like porting SDL stuff! dont you
Thanks for all the ports so far. I am sure somebody will pick them ans start optimizing them for gp2x
Don't know if you meant it that way, but you sure come off as rude and ungrateful with that comment.
I beg to disagree completly. It's all in your head, my friend
But yeah, saying it's unoptimized isn't ungrateful since it's a fact. It's not an insult. You guys and your adoration for emulator devs...
Thanks, for seeing it from my point of view.
I respect devs a lot for their works and ports but that is not going to make me adorating them. I am another developer and my project is stopped due my busy life.
I know how much developing sucks our time

But if something is not playable or fullspeed for me, the work is not finished. (My point of view)
zx-81 said:
jbrodack said:
yeah this is really cool. i tried arkanoid and it ran pretty slow but then again it probably runs slow on the calculator itself.
Using the clock option, and set it to 260 it will be playable
Yes i tried it and it worked slow. That is what i mean when i say they are not optimized for GP2X (i.e PicoDrive is optimized).
I tried MSX as well and it worked slow at less than 200MHz. MSX It is less than a NES... well about the same. GP2X can (or it should) cope with complete MSX emulation at <150MHz. I am not criticising. I am saying those emulators need more work on them to be optimized to the level of
picodrive or
Why you, a lot of people, have do take everything in the worst way possible? Are you really that sad? I don't think so. Cheer up cojones.
JimmySlam prepares himself for another round of sensless attacks.