Wiz Chess V1.1.0


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi All,

GNU Chess is command line Chess program running on many differents systems
such as UNIX, windows or MacOS. It was started in 1986 by Stuart Cracraft,
who is continuing to develop it with other coders such as Chua Kong Sian, Lukas Geyer,
Simon Waters and David A. Wheeler.

Wiz Chess uses the GNU Chess version 5.07 for the Artificial Intelligence. Wiz Chess
is a port to Wiz of the GP2X-F100 version.

It's a first port version and i've not already added touch screen support ...

I would like to thanks Dave and Exophase for their advices and their help.

How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

Full working binary version for the wiz might be found here :

http://zx81.zx81.free.fr/ or dl.openhandhelds.org



UPDATE: You may find also on my blog, a binary version for GP2X-F100

UPDATE: Here is a skin designed by Exclamation
Thanks for doing this. I don't play chess (much too complex for my simple mind, Galaga is more my level :P ) but those who do will have some fun.
Thanks zx-81 for the port!
Finally the wiz turned into a mobile chess-computer :)
I haven´t found any bugs so far, but will take a closer look if I find some time.

Feedback for now:
The initial access to the opening book seems quite slow compared to the gp2x version... don´t know. Is it using the same book?
It would be nice to have a sound played when a move is done, so you don´t have to watch the board while the AI is thinking. (+ an option to turn the sound off)
Second, will there be a skin-selector?

ok i might have just been tired as hell but my pawn was taken out by another pawn that was directly in front of it.....
Spykez said:
ok i might have just been tired as hell but my pawn was taken out by another pawn that was directly in front of it.....

have you saved the game as a PGN file so i can reproduce that bug ?
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nuu, I only played for a few minutes, that bug happened, I laughed then went and took a shower, didn't think much of it lol