Wiz Broke After Two Days. Is This A Fragile Console Or Am I Unlucky?


Still Fresh
Aug 5, 2009
I recently purchased a Wiz on ThinkGeek. I got everything working on it great. I was having a blast. I didn't drop it or treat it too roughly. On the second day I have it, I go to turn it on and I get a white screen instead of the logo. I know it's just the screen because I got into the built in games and the sound still worked. It keeps giving me the white screen everytime I turn it on for an hour. After that the screen dies completely and I get just blackness. I sent it back to thinkgeek and they are sending me a new one. Is this console super fragile or am I unlucky? I was not too rough with it at all. I really enjoyed it when it worked. I tried draining and recharging the battery, but the screen was still dead. What is your take?
That is just something that occasional happens (to get a new product that breaks right away). While not up to the standard of Apple, they are definitely much better than chipods. If your new wiz lasts past burn in/break in (about 2 or 3 battery cycles), you will be fine.

christo930 said:
While not up to the standard of Apple, they are definitely much better than chipods.

Lets not talk about Apple being the god of quality control, I seem to remember a lot of Ipods going back to apple for defective screens, batteries, and a variety of problems and lets not even mention the Apple II debacle or warping motherboards. But to the OP yeah you've seen the ugly side of mass production theirs always gonna be a few bad seeds in every batch but more than likely you'll get a good one. Mines been working wonderfully for over a month now.
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Console_Master said:
christo930 said:
While not up to the standard of Apple, they are definitely much better than chipods.

Lets not talk about Apple being the god of quality control, I seem to remember a lot of Ipods going back to apple for defective screens, batteries, and a variety of problems and lets not even mention the Apple II debacle or warping motherboards. But to the OP yeah you've seen the ugly side of mass production theirs always gonna be a few bad seeds in every batch but more than likely you'll get a good one. Mines been working wonderfully for over a month now.

Weren't apple the brilliant people that built PCs with a harddrive next to some internal speakers, and didn't put any shielding on them, causing you to get a corrupted harddrive every time you played a sound? =X

My wiz has been perfect since I got it. It's pretty hardcore. It's gotten a little wet more than once, I've dropped it from chest-hight twice, trying to put it in my pocket. Both times it bounced, the screen didn't get scratched due to how it's designed, and it didn't even restart. So no, it's not a fragile system, it just seems like you've got one that's defective. A small korean company is going to have a bad egg or two in each batch they ship out.
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b1ueskycomp1ex said:
Weren't apple the brilliant people that built PCs with a harddrive next to some internal speakers, and didn't put any shielding on them, causing you to get a corrupted harddrive every time you played a sound? =X
Sorry but that wasn't actually true. Although HDDs are magnetic media you cannot erase blocks with a speaker close to it. In fact you would be very surprised to hear how difficult it is to erase data off a drive or disk from external magnetic sources.
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b1ueskycomp1ex said:
Weren't apple the brilliant people that built PCs with a harddrive next to some internal speakers, and didn't put any shielding on them, causing you to get a corrupted harddrive every time you played a sound? =X
Nope, because Apple doesn't make PC's. :P
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absolofdoom said:
b1ueskycomp1ex said:
Weren't apple the brilliant people that built PCs with a harddrive next to some internal speakers, and didn't put any shielding on them, causing you to get a corrupted harddrive every time you played a sound? =X
Nope, because Apple doesn't make PC's. :P
Alright let's leave the poor person alone :D

So are alot of other people having this issue?
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beavith said:
So are alot of other people having this issue?

I have had no issues with the WIZ at all, no trouble with reliability or firmware updates. Though I can't say the same for all the Apple products I've had to use. ;)
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absolofdoom said:
b1ueskycomp1ex said:
Weren't apple the brilliant people that built PCs with a harddrive next to some internal speakers, and didn't put any shielding on them, causing you to get a corrupted harddrive every time you played a sound? =X
Nope, because Apple doesn't make PC's. :P

PC = Personal computer.

A mac is a personal computer.

Whoever decided that PC meant IBM-Compatible PC is beyond me, but a MAC is still a PC. Or what would you like it called?

Also I watched a documentary on apple where hardware devs from apple were talking about that being a design flaw. I'll see if I can look it up.
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