Wireless And The Gp2x

irish rebel posted on Jul 15 2006 at 06:19 PM said:
Just wondering I have a sd wireless card is wireless available for the gp2x for internet?
Use a USB Wifi Stick, it is a reality, don't bother with SDIO unless you have open-source drivers lined up.

USB does have compilable open-source drivers.

SD is a "sign non-disclosure agreement" type of mess, there aren't any good open-source drivers out there, if any do exist.

Use a wifi USB stick.
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I have my GP2X's rigged up with USB-WLAN .. works flawlessly. No sweat whatsoever once you get the EXT->USB cable/Breakout-Box set up ..
what usb wireless setup do you use? and what driver?I also have a belkin usb wireless b I could use.