Winner Of E3

KickinWing posted on May 20 2005 at 08:08 PM said:

Very interesting article and very valid points regarding XboX 360.

And towards the bottom of the page, looks like even the experts have lost almost all faith in Nintendo.

Did you watch any of Gamespot Live-believe me, those people are not experts. Well, obvouisly they do know their stuff but they don't have talk shit sometimes.

To be honest, I don't know who 'won' E3.

Sony's PS3 looks stupidly powerful, and has the potential to be excellent. I was disapointed by the relative lack of PSP 'Killer-Aps' shown, although Lemmings looks great. Good to see it back in 2D.

Nintendo's Revolution wasn't there really, but it can be said that it stole the show simply through it's non-appearance and the N-Game that went on. Zelda looks stunning. You may think I'm biased (well, I suppose we all are) , but to me, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing look like they will cause my life to come to a complete stop. The New Super Mario Bros. may not look perfect yet, but I'm still really looking forward to it.

Microsoft didn't really overwhelm me to be honest. I'll still proberbly end up getting a 360 around launch, but it's hardly looking like the best thing I've seen-just an Xbox with a few improvements.
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Mark posted on May 20 2005 at 07:30 PM said:
Nintendo's Revolution wasn't there really, but it can be said that it stole the show simply through it's non-appearance

You may think I'm biased

you're biased
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markusdragon posted on May 20 2005 at 09:06 PM said:
How exactly do you 'win' a trade show anyway?
I thik these people have been playing too many Video Games :huh:
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After E3, I'm more excited than ever by the DS. So that won for me!!!

how does someone 'win' a trade show? I dunno... every year that I've attended E3 I've come away with a clear 'winner' in my mind. Who had the coolest area? Who had the best or most interesting games or the most games that I wanted to play?

Last year, Sony was the hands down 'winner' IMO, as the PSP really stole the show and had me drooling for months.

This year, I'd have to say nintendo 'won', for me, but only by a small margin. There were just so many DS games there that I've been looking forward to, and they all looked to be coming along really nicely, looking and playing great. They also had Zelda there, playable, which while I didn't get to try it myself (the wait was over FOUR HOURS!) there was just so many people walking aroung talking about how great it looked and played and I had conversations with a couple of them... it really sounds awesome.

there just wasnt' enough of the 360 shown IMO, and except for Kameo, I was not impressed by any of the games I saw... they really didn't look that much better than regular Xbox games... a few more details, a bit better resolution, a bit faster framerate... not the huge leap we were hoping for. If anyone says they 'won' it's only because... everyone wants to know all about the new systems, and M$ was really the only one with anything to show... that's the only way that they could have 'won' in my mind.

Sony... almost nothing on the PS3, mostly sequels for the PS2 with only a few standout games... the PSP had some good stuff on display and showed that the great graphics we've seen so far are only going to get better.

Honorary mention goes to Gizmondo... YES Gizmondo! For having a fantastic area and for surprising the hell out of me with the power of their little handheld... near PSP quality graphics in a system smaller than a regular GBA with TONS of other features included. I think we're all agreed that this thing is no mainstream competition for PSP or DS but hey... most of us think the Ngage sucks and yet somehow they are still selling... I think the Giz would do better than the Ngage.