

Active Member
Mar 3, 2003
i didn't flash it, just running it off the SMC, wanted to know a few things though

1) How do you run other apps? ie MoviePark, Frodo etc
2) What format must the backgrounds be in?
3) Any other words of windups wisdom would come in handy, I am starting my guide tonight
This sounds about right Shrike ;)

1) Click on myGP32-open the directory GPMM or wherever else the executable is you want to load-click the "A" button and it should load and play :D
2) .Gif 320x240 8bpp
3) Get it installed fully by flashing your rom (at your own peril obviously) and make it your default choice so it loads in first :D
thanks :)

will any gif run in the viewer or does it have to be modded?
I don't know about backgrounds, haven't tried to change them, but in addition to #1, you can create, move and change icons by B clicking on the background/icons. Just play around and you'll see. One note... after making changes, B click on the background and choose save desktop settings.
When i changed my backround to winXP (available @ gp32 emu) i just downloaded it and put it in images and then switched it like youd switch to the secondary backround (the other one that comes with wind-ups

and like arutha said just play around with it its pretty simple (and Fun)

(sorry for all the parenthises)
ozymandias posted on Apr 17 2003 said:
Where can i get windups then?

wot is 'flashing your rom'?

can it break the gp32?
Just search windups GP32 on google to find a download, and flashing your BIOS is like upgrading it's OS, but if one little thing (even one byte transfered wrong), the GP32 won't boot, and the only way to fix it is using JTAG cables, which aren't finished, you will probably need to make one yourself, and you need to open your GP32 to do it (i think). So, don't flash it unless you have another spare $149 ;)
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