Windows Problems


Jan 5, 2004
Visit site

for a few weeks now, my PC looks like this:

this is obviously not supossed to look like this. Can someone help me to make the buttons all gray?
go to the display options (right click desktop-properties) and then just go to apperance and select teh defualt one(or teh oen you had before)

just guessing
Well, it seems i'm too stupid to explain stuff. In the picture above, there is the blue bar (which is normal) and underneath there is this bar with "Datei" "Ansicht" and "hilfe". If you have a closer look at those, you'll notice, that this bar isn't fully gray, it's just gray, and sround the text the bar is white.
Is it just that application? Because some just don't draw their windows properly. If it recently happened, that's another issue altogether. Could be anything from a window-jacking spyware application to outdated graphics drivers.
It is Windows XP SP1
with Norton Internet security 2005
It happens on EVERY software. I ran Spybot several times, as I did with Norton anti virus
I also have the latest omega drivers, but i installed them because of this issue. They didn't solve the problem.
That is a common problem over here in Canada and we have found a way of fixing it. You are going to need several things from the hardware store to fix this problem.


1) Hammer
2) Nails
3) Plywood
4) Wood Glue
5) Gardening Hose
6) Power Drill
7) Several Plant pots.

What you will need to do with these is take the wood and glue it on the sides of your monitor and case to give them armor from magnetic bad people. Then you will glue the nails in an outward position to give yourself extra spike armor. By now you will need an arsenal to defeat your enemies with. You are to take the hammer and tie it to the gardening hose as a handle and use the remaining glue to glue the Power Drill to the other end of the hose. You have created yourself a Drill Mace. To use it you grab the handle of the Hammer and swing the hose so the pick of the Drill hits your enemies in the skull and kills them. You might hit yourself in the head by accident so you will need to take the plant pots you have and stack them all on your head to create what I call a No Drill Hole Helmet for extra protection. After defeating the magnetic bad people your computer should work perfectly because it was them interfering with your screen and case causing it to do that. That victory might be a glorious one, but there are many other enemies out there that need to be stomped. Let this be a message to all of you out there who wish to become magnetic bad people because as Prime Minister Paul Martin always says "WE WILL CRUSH ALL MAGNETIC BAD PEOPLE AND ANY OTHER ENEMIES!"

Thank you for reading this pointless thing and Merry Christmas !!!