Will There Be A Way To Pre-order ?


Jun 27, 2007
Norwich UK
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Well basically Pandora is looking pretty damn awesome !

I want to ask a few questions though, firstly I read something along the lines of -with the initial ability to emulate ps1 games- To me this implies the console will come pre installed with ps1 emulation.
Is this likely to be the case ?

And the second question is Will there be any way to secure myself a console ?
I am a bit worried that there will not be enough units to go around and I am more than happy to pay extra to pre-order or buy before the release date !

Thanks, Ben !
Preorder info here.

And no emulators are likely to be "pre-installed." You will simply download them onto SD cards.
You might also check here to get an idea of what sorts of emulators are likely to be made for Pandora. A few are already in development, like PSX, and many more are planned.
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Prophet said:
You might also check here to get an idea of what sorts of emulators are likely to be made for Pandora. A few are already in development, like PSX, and many more are planned.

Cool It all looks pretty hopeful, It will be interesting to see how good the platforms that the 2X is unable to emulate develops. N64, 3DO
Would it be possible to to play GP32 games on it ? Just a thought.
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