i have read many books on the systems good and bad points
It's not quite the same thing as actually living there. You're relying on somebody else's view, so you're looking at it through a lens, seeing only what they want you to see. It's much different than when you experience it for yourself; you will almost always find that your opinions differ than those of the authors', and that it's not quite like it was described.
Of course, it's much better than plain ignorance of everything, but it's still a secondary source.
who told you cubas buildings were falling down? the british/ american media?
He's obviously exaggerating... I've been in Cuba, and yes, not all of them are in top repair. Most aren't "falling down" though. That's not a direct result of Communism; it happens when countries are poor. The roads in Tajikistan, for example (I was there a couple years ago), are in a far worse condition now than they were under the USSR, even though communism has been dissolved. Conversely, now that Russia is becoming an economic powerhouse again, many of the roads around the immediate area of some of the main cities are being renovated and fixed up to a better condition than they were under communism.
Cuba is poor mainly because of the trade embargo, even though it trades with Canada.
who told you about freedom of speech in cuba?
Wasn't it announced by their government that they were arresting those 40 people?
Who also tells of the massive problems in north Korea? the british/ american media.
Not quite just them... (click the link)
Who tells you that there are no problems in North Korea?
I'll let you mull over that one.

Sorry.. I know you probably won't listen to me anyway, but you have to look at both sides of the argument, and accept that atrocities can happen in any system if there is the will for them up at the top. Do you realize that Stalinism is not really communism? The original way it was supposed to work was democratically; that's why the USSR still had elections even after the Stalinist supression of the 30s (albeit with only 1 candidate in them); it was written in the original constitution that there have to be elections.
if communism was left alone to work it would do that but the right wing always has to interfere.
Why do you blame the right wing? Blame the people who become corrupted by power, not the right wing. Before you have a chance to say it,
yes, some of the right wing's supporters are indeed very rich and have become corrupted by power. But those same types of people stay in charge of "leftist" systems, especially if those systems were formed because of a revolution, because then it is usually the person who wants POWER the most and is willing to go to any lengths to get it who gets to climb to the top of the struggle for leadership following a revolution (aka Stalin).
The only way that communism can work is if everybody works together to make it work. That requires quite a bit of honesty. If that honesty isn't already imbedded in the culture, and especially in the people at the top, then it won't work, plain and simple, and there's no use wishing that it did. The closest example I've seen to an honest culture is Scandinavia. I haven't lived there, though; only visited.
/rant over