Wi-Fi problems \ Nubs\

I would say you need to do the reflash if you get that warning again. Follow those previous instructions from the other thread.
I would say you need to do the reflash if you get that warning again. Follow those previous instructions from the other thread.

I have been trying :) just to no avail. :/

It worked for awhile today but of course it locked up after a few hours and now won't turn on again...Sigh...

EDIT again: is there any way I can generate a log file for a more advanced user to look at to narrow down the problem?
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If you have access to a card reader on Win 7, format the card or even better try a new SD card, download the beta firmware again and try a reflash. When you format try fat32 to see if that works for you.

It sounds like either the SD card was corrupted, the firmware download was corrupted in some way or similar problem.

I am starting to suspect it might be your SD card...
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Another thought just occurred to me before I shut down for the night. You might drop the battery and leave the Pandora unplugged for about 10 minutes. Then start with a reflash.

Just curious, were you running anything particular or doing something specific prior to this happening? Overclocking, running some strange script, etc?
Hmmm, I will try a different SD card and will reflash, can't get the Pandora to turn on right now...

I was never doing anything in particular but, I feel like a lot of the time it happens when I try to open a .pnd I notice it doesn't launch and then it locks up.

EDIT: and of course right after I type that, turns on, flashing now.

Update FAILED? getting the log file for you guys...LOG and here is the log the 2nd time I tried LOG 2

and upon trying to restart it, it refuses, left most green LED is on.

EDIT 3 - turned on again, tried to update again, updated failed at a different point. Log 3

can't get a successful update, ideas? also got a stuck or dead pixel boo.
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Hmmm, I will try a different SD card and will reflash, can't get the Pandora to turn on right now...

I was never doing anything in particular but, I feel like a lot of the time it happens when I try to open a .pnd I notice it doesn't launch and then it locks up.

EDIT: and of course right after I type that, turns on, flashing now.

Update FAILED? getting the log file for you guys...LOG and here is the log the 2nd time I tried LOG 2

and upon trying to restart it, it refuses, left most green LED is on.

EDIT 3 - turned on again, tried to update again, updated failed at a different point. Log 3

can't get a successful update, ideas? also got a stuck or dead pixel boo.

Well uploading.com has to be the most annoying site to deal with, It takes 60 seconds per file to view anything.. And it seems to be forwarding to some shady advertisers...

First try I'd try re-downloading the update and use another SD card.. From the log file I'm, it seems to think the NAND is read only.. this could be a quirk of the corrupted install..

From your choice of file uploading solutions, you could have a virus or trojan that is infecting your downloads.. I truly don't trust that site.

If possible try downloading the patch again from a different computer..
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Did you try dropping the battery for 10 minutes before reflashing?

After reading the logs,the first one does appear that it is the SD card. The second and third one could indicate a corrupted nand, but the flash should take care of that.
If you would like to do a different site please suggest one. Also I have don't know what I'm doing wrong, maybe I'll make a youtube video of exactly what I'm doing to try and give you guys a better idea.

And I have tried taking the battery out for 10 minutes.
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Alrighty here is the log file from my most recent attempt. Log 4tried a different site for you guys, the download link is at the bottom right.

I am also uploading a video to youtube with my crappy camera showing what I tried to do.

video - Video

EDIT: I think something may be wrong with my pandora, I tried again and the update was successful but then I got into the same problem as before with this coming up "failed to load kernel, you may need to reflash the firmware"

If I can't get this fixed soon I'll have to send it in :( I don't want to though I love my Pandora (when it worked)
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This really looks totally weird.

I first wondered if the NAND is broken, but it seems to find some bad blocks (which is okay), but can format it properly.

Why does it switch to readonly after a while? :o
Don't forget, sometimes the obvious... dirty contacts,,,etc...

contact on the sd card, sd card holder...get a light in there and take a look...

been there .... done that.....

loose battery contacts can produce some strange events as well...
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ED - Yeah it is very weird, who should I contact if I need to send it in?

Dude - I don't think it is just bad contacts, it could be bad contacts and another problem though. After the update was successful, I took out the battery and the SD card and tried plugging it in. Same problem as before...

I feel like I've run out of options :/
Thanks ED - I sent out an e-mail this morning, so sad I have to send my Pandora back but it'll be worth it. Kind of useless having a half working Pandora.

To give more insight on my problems, in case whoever has to fix my Pandora has been following this thread. Right now the Pandora is on and in XFCE. I can't launch any programs though. The nubs DO work. And I'm not sure if this is something I just didn't notice before but when I looking in the settings tab, a lot of the items are missing icons. When I tried to open MuPen, I get "mounting the PND failed. The application won't start. Please have a look at /tmp/pndrun_mupen64plus-r1.out - when I try to launch other apps nothing happens and no message pops up. And sometimes firefox will open but close shortly after. The bottom dock/start menu thingy keeps disappearing and reappearing, and nothing happens when I try to launch things not on the SD card.
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I don't know if this will help but I have never ever had success formatting through Windows, I would download a 3rd party program to format.

Panasonic formatting software

I've never used this but I hear good things about it in a few places. If your windows install is infected in any way it might screw up formatting, at least that is my theory, I've had HDs get corrupted soon after using windows to format them.