Why not bookworm?


Very Active Member
Aug 11, 2020
So the sails are set for a journey towards bullseye. There are now bullseye images and the Pyra-specific packages now have branches for bullseye. However, upgrading a bullseye system to bookworm seems to work well, so why not skip bullseye and move directly to bookworm?
Are there any major problems specifically with bookworm?
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By the time we get it usable it probably will be stable :D
I actually like the idea.
Bookworm is still in testing, bullseye is stable.

Ideally we'd be using the stable OS for distribution.

Well the stable release of bookworm is to be expected on June 10th 2023.
So I still ask: why not bookworm?
So we finally have bookworm :)
There are now images for bullseye and bookworm but they are 4GB f2fs partitions.
It is not possible to resize these partitions on Debian≥11 systems with f2fs-tools and as a workaround, I do resizing them with a Buster image on a spare SD card.
Is there another possibility to resize these images on Debian≥11 without this workaround?
and with some clever placed code we can get it unstable again in a minute. ;-)

If somebody could please write up some instruction how to go about this?
After download extract the "bookworm1.img" and open it with Balena Etcher (the tool i used on my Linux PC) and it create a SD card with 2 parttion (boot, rootfs).
But when i inserted on my Pyra and press Power button it refuse to boot...don't know why.
Anyone have had any success booting it ?
Hold down the power button a few seconds, then it boots.

Does anyone know why the bullseye and bookworm images do only boot when pressing the power button longer?
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aTc has suggested that bookworm is not quite ready as the uboot stuff is broken with the GCC version it ships with, probably why it's not working ;)
So what exactly is not working? The bookworm image works fine so far...
I'm sure it's an intentional choice. The question is, what was it what what they said about it...
Allthough its quite easy to run this image (download, extract, put in on the usb stick, boot the Windows Notebook, run the etcher, put the SD Card in and let it do its magic), ditnt had the time yet to try the Bookworm Image sadly, ..
I had testet the Bookworm Image, did work back then quite good, allthough i didnt test if its supports EXfat ..
2 Weeks ago i did install the Bullseye Image directly on my Pyra as i though it would be a good idea .. ,
it was working, but there i have the issue that the P Emulators refuse to run, even whit the right depencies, but the Emu EX Alpha Emulators, Reicast, and Duckstation where running the same as on Buster..

Its quite easy now to put these Images on an SD Card, so i would like to just install the Bookworm directly on my Pyra, this way you could install the needed depencies too, on the test image there is not enough space for extra stuff, so its only works whit DBPs that came whit the needed depencies..
Its quite easy now to put these Images on an SD Card, so i would like to just install the Bookworm directly on my Pyra, this way you could install the needed depencies too, on the test image there is not enough space for extra stuff, so its only works whit DBPs that came whit the needed depencies..
You always forget, it's quite easy to expand the SD card to the full size, too. It's no rocket science...
Maybe i should had give not only the Gaming a Test but also if USB Devices would also still work in Bullseye and Bookworm, so i ran in an USB Stick Issue on my Pyra :
My Old USB3 Exfat Stick refuse to work on Pyra whit Bullseye whyle it dit work fine on Buster, i allready did install the Exfat Utils and Exfat Fuse Package but its dosnt work
Is this a known Issue for the Bullseye Image?
I think i will download and flash the Buster Image this evening and try to get it working again, i wantet to be prepared for future releases of Software that needs packages from at least Bullseye, but might be this was the cause of my Issue..

Another Issue is: i have now 2 USB Sticks: The Old One is only USB3 and will get detectet quite fast from the Pyra (whit the Message that Exfat is Unknown), so i though it might be a good idea to buy a new one which is empty and want lost some data when i format it in a Pyra/Windows10/Ipad OS friendly format.., this stick, also Exfat dosnt even apear in the Pyra, and i dont get the message that its the wrong format..
Wally Dropboxed me a new Bookworm Image, will test it tomorrow, and if i have his permission i will post my toughts ^^ Who know? maybe it solves my USB Stick issue, i just dont know for which of my 2 USB Sticks, my old one or my new one..