Why do I have to get a GP32?


Still Fresh
Oct 21, 2003
Hi, Im wondering of buying a GP32 (or wait for the zodiak :S) and I want to know some A.

Q1: How is the video quality? FPS, resolution, sound?
Q2: How is the emulation of the following, Nes, Snes, Megadrive (if there is one).
Q3: Is the e-book reader good, what formats can it read?
Q4: How is the mp3?
Q5: Is 128mb sufficient?
Q6: Is it still going to develop or is the scene slowing down?

I thank everyone who takes their time to write an answer :)
A1: AS good as you encode it, but very good.
A2. NES greater than full speed. Snes at 156 clock almost full speed bare in mind thats my opinion and varies from rom to rom sometimes it players to fast, and sometimes a bit slow. But very playable. Megadrive I dont know.
A3. I think so, but im not sure. Wind-ups built in reader reads.txt. I think there is a pdf reader but im not sure.
A4. Mp3 is just as good as a proper mp3 player.
A5. Yes
A6. Hopefully develop with the european launch next year.
A1 - It's very good. I'm pleasantly surprised at the picture quality on the GP32, the adjustment levels are easy to deal with and with headphones for stereo sound, it's great
A2 - New megadrive emu coming...
A3 - Lazy Reader is my preferred text reader as it supports word wrap
A4 - The mp3 is fantastic in headphones or via output to an amp. With the speakers it is as you would expect for such small things, fine for game ambience (!) - but shite for playing to your mates, get a twin jack to allow for 2 headphone inputs if need be
A5 - Easily, there are only so many games you can play. For sake of greed I have 2 SMC cards, one for video conversion and one for games and other bits. But I think that's more than enough. There is no issue with the amount of games you can play, emu support is good - 15,000 c=64 games alone, more than you can play in a lifetime for just one system.... multiply that by however many and just consider you have that on a handheld.. with a nice screen.. and decent stereo in the headphones
A6 - Well, it's not an issue of paramount importance. History has shown that very good gadgets receive eternal support. This is one of them I think. Would be nice if the mainstream could see it as more users=more choice. But I think this thing is fine and way cheaper/more suited to me than other options for a good few years yet.
1. Up to 12FPS no overclocking (20FPS overclocked, but overclocking could be risky, no one knows. Also it's done in software, no need to open your GP32/change BIOS to overclock :) ) 12FPS sounds bad, but on LCD somehow the pic fades in and out or something, so it dosen't actually look bad. Res 320x240 (size of screen) and sound is good, but I'm too lazy to look up the numbers now.

2. Nes: Perfect (as perfect as emulation can be) Snes: ok if you use overclocked versions of the emulator, but not as fast as snes ports to gba Megadrive: ok overclocked, too and I've never played anything to compare it to

3. Actually it is just a .txt viewer...

4. Same as on videos AFAIK, and OGG is even beter quality

5. 128MB = 100Snes roms or 100GP32 homebrew games or 12 commercial JoyGP games or 4000Nes games or one full length movie compressed well so I guess its enough (all the numbers are just guesses I made up in a few sec)

6. Homebrew games are still coming as fast as they were when I got my GP32 (mabye 1 or 2 new/updates a week) and I don;t thik that emulation will get any better.

EDIT: Grrrrrr, 3 posts in the time it takes me to write one :angry:
WoW this seems really cool, when i get the money ill buy one.
One last thing, Is overclocking dangerous? Doesnt the Gp32 do it automaticly?
What if I get some cooling to it (heatsink, fan or something) would it OC some more?
It can over clock to 188mhz but the Ram it has only allows it to get to 166mhz...

Didnt Craigix Over clock to 166mhz and leave a it on for over 6 hours or something with no problems?

Also Some GP32's can overclock to high speeds like 144mhz, 156mhz and 166mhz... while others might not even be able to get to 144mhz... you have to take a chance and Hope you get a Overclockable one :D (Thats if u want to overclock)
Ok thx, one last thing (promise :P) could someone send me a videoclip so i can see how it looks (i know the crt is sharper and alla that but anyway)?
PooSlice posted on Oct 21 2003 at 09:22 AM said:
Hi, Im wondering of buying a GP32 (or wait for the zodiak :S) and I want to know some A.

Q1: How is the video quality? FPS, resolution, sound?
Q2: How is the emulation of the following, Nes, Snes, Megadrive (if there is one).
Q3: Is the e-book reader good, what formats can it read?
Q4: How is the mp3?
Q5: Is 128mb sufficient?
Q6: Is it still going to develop or is the scene slowing down?

I thank everyone who takes their time to write an answer :)
A1: Great quality! You'll be amazed. It has great resolution and sound. 15 FPS may sound bad but it certainly doesn't look bad :D

A2: Nes is perfect, Snes is discontinued but it was full speed without sound. Rlyeh is going to work on fSNES and hopefully yoyo's secret project will be a snes emulator. Genesis is still in the early stages, for the games I tried it ran at almost full speed without sound.

A3: Haven't tried it.

A4: MP3s are great, they sound excellent and are very easy to get onto the GP32, the official MP3 player isn't to good but you can just dl and use the k2yaa one.

A5: No, definetly get 2 128 mb SMCs. If you want to enjoy everything on the GP32, you should have 2. One for gaming and emulation, the other strictly for movies and/or MP3s.

A6: The GP32 scene is always live and it's a great community. Lots of people are still developing for it and you can expect some great things from them in the future.
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