Who Is The Warranty With?


Still Fresh
May 12, 2008
I'm in the UK, and am looking in to getting a GP2X having seen a friend's, and have been looking around at prices etc as a result. I like the idea of the F200 for the touchscreen, since I'm a big retro-adventure game fan. I can get the F200 for £30 cheaper in the US than in the UK, including delivery, from gp2xstore.com. My only concern is where my warranty options lie if I then have a problem. Will I need to return it to the states, or is there a repair centre in the UK that would carry out warranty work? I'm all for saving £30, but I don't want to risk getting stung for considerably more in the future!

Many thanks in advance.
The warranty would be with the company you bought it from, so if you bought it from the US, you will need to return it to the US (along with the import/export duty paperwork if your in the UK) if it doesn't work when you receive it, or it goes wrong in the first 12 months.
Ok, thanks. You've just made me realise actually, which I hadn't considered before, I'll get VAT slapped onto it at customs, so it's not really going to work out any cheaper. Thanks!
Hi Rick,
I would suggest buying from Craig. I bought my GP32 from GBAX and had fantastic service, my GP2X I picked up on ebay (took the gamble).
If you are lucky, you can buy from overseas and it just gets delivered. If not you can get caught for Duty, VAT and a collection fee. For £30 I would just go to GBAX
Thanks for the replies, and thanks for the suggestion of Craig G0GMK. By the time I've sorted batteries, charger/psu, memory for it it's going to push it a bit outside my budget, so I might just have to sit on the idea for a bit until the right one comes along. If it's going to cost me nearly £150 to get set up fully with a GP2X, the Pandora looks more and more appealing...