Who is the OP Xfce maintainer ?

I'm currently trying to revamp Xfce, which will be part of a more complete pack i intend to upload @ http://dl.openhandhelds.org/ .

First, i begun to change my own ~Applications/Settings/xfce4/ , saving it and creating a .pnd which installs my skel.

Although i have to restart X, it worked.

No i try to create my own /etc/xdg/pack , containing the same stuff as my ~Applications/Settings/xfce4/ .

I followed the /etc/xdg/op structure, but when i modify ~.xinitrc , replacing /etc/xdg/op with /etc/xdg/pack (also cleaning Cache and Application) and restart X, i always fallback to the Xfce default settings (not event the op ones).

I could use tricks like replace /etc/xdg/op/* with my stuff but i obviously want to be clean ^^.

I may have made mistakes here, so can you tell me if editing the .xinitrc is sufficient here ?

Second thing, i try to change the whole desktop configuration on-the-fly, copying a new ~Applications/Settings/xfce4/ over the old one, and killing/restarting/reloading each xfce services manually.

ie. xfce4-panel --restart, xfwm4 --replace

Although some things changes well, the whole desktop doesn't change. Especially panels. I fallback to the failsafe config again.

So how to proceed to get this new ~Applications/Settings/xfce4/ fully applied without having to restart X ?

It's purely Xfce-related.
Did a big step forward today.

Will tell more soon (the less i talk, the more i do - me).
Mmm, encountered some bug.

While running a .pnd which modifies Xfce config, seemed that this .pnd was "disconnected" during the process.

It was a desktop .pnd

Does .pnd under Xfce relies on xfconf or xfwm4 ?