GP2X Which Os Is Best For Coding With

ok, let's not make this a "my os is better than yours" thread..

I was really after opinions of experienced gp2x devs.

Oh, and programming on Windows is actually very good, providing you're writing Windows applications. Just a shame Microsoft haven't added gp2x to the list of supported devices in Visual Studio.
deluded said:
Oh, and programming on Windows is actually very good, providing you're writing Windows applications. Just a shame Microsoft haven't added gp2x to the list of supported devices in Visual Studio.
Even if they did, they'd probably require you to upload a 300MB .Net runtime library to the Gp2X before the app would run standalone :D
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Right - I've got round to installing open2x on my linux box.

Does anyone have an example 'project' I can use to get me going. I'm not that familiar with make files etc.

Or do peeps just manually call arm-open2x-linux-g++ ??
i never got usb telnet to work under linux, had to update some driver, etc etc.. nastiness.. in windows it worked. however, i really love the gnu tools for scripting and all that. so i tend to stick with linux.
deluded said:
Right - I've got round to installing open2x on my linux box.

Does anyone have an example 'project' I can use to get me going. I'm not that familiar with make files etc.

Or do peeps just manually call arm-open2x-linux-g++ ??
Most folks use Makefiles which when invoked with the "make" command go through all the steps from compiling to linking. The hardcore geeks use Autotools (automake, autoconf, etc) I guess.
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I found an example makefile on another thread a while ago.

tweaked that a bit, with and wrapped it in a bash script that gets the latest version out of subversion etc and does a few other tasks.

All works nicely now!