Which Mp3 Player?


Mar 18, 2005
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I'm looking for an MP3 player for my gp32_console. Which one would you suggest? Also, how many MP3's could be stored on a 128MB SMC? (roughly)

omega mp3/wma is by far the best. It doesnt look quite as nice as the one that comes with the gp32 but its functionality is far better, for a start you probably noticed by now that you cant rewind/fast forward your mp3/wma files. Well that all possible with this little gem, also another nice function is you can lock the keys. So once you selected your track and put the gp32_console in your pocket your safe in knowing all that movement your doing isnt gonna skip the track, pause the song or fast forward accidently. Apart from that its worth probably haveing the one which comes with the gp32 because it looks so dawn nice (worth showing off to your mates, you dont haveing to tell them it wont fast forward, they will just gulp wit envy). You can Probably store around 20 odd mp3's on a smc and 30-40 wma's. Enjoy

Im getting a psp soon, no more 128mb limitations, loads of mp3's for me, sorry im just so excited but the gp32 will always ramain in my heart. Im not getting rid of it, it has still got so much potential + its likely in 10+ years it will be hard to get one and be a kind of colletors item (well it kind of is already). I dont know anybody personally wit one. Infact I might start a forum on that called Anybody know somebody who got a gp32 personally. Its just so odd I feel like the only person wit one until I start chatting to you guys !!
Thanks guys :). I'll give these two a try.

@shinneri: Is it easy to convert to WMA? I like the idea about smaller files (more music :D ) but I know nothing about audio media :(.

GA01 posted on Jul 9 2005 at 03:47 PM said:
Thanks guys :). I'll give these two a try.

@shinneri: Is it easy to convert to WMA? I like the idea about smaller files (more music :D ) but I know nothing about audio media :(.


convert music with db power amp; very easy. But to convert to/from wma or ogg you will need additional codecs (one for wma and one for ogg).

Omega 5's wma/mp3 player is my favorite as well, though I have yet to try ogg (which is smaller than mp3, so you may want to try that). As far as how may songs you can fit onto one smc, well, that all depends on how big your songs are. What bitrate are they encoded at, how long they are, etc. As stated, converting to ogg will reduce the filesize, though you may suffer a loss in quality.
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Unfortunately, I can't run Omega 5's wma/mp3 player (I have a BLU+ :( ) but I'm currently testing GPMadMP3. Nice interface but will take a while to learn the controls. Also, the volumn via the GP32 speakers seems very low even at max volumn (maybe headphones are required).

Which is smaller in size, WMA or OGG?

bourbon posted on Jul 9 2005 at 11:25 PM said:
I uae gpamp. Tho it eats only ogg. but u can crunchem real small and they will still sound good :P .


GPAmp is real easy to use and I like being able to choose different skins. Which settings do you recommend for OGG files without loosing quality? Btw, I'm converting with DBPowerAmp (thanks for the link triksR4rabits)

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GA01 posted on Jul 10 2005 at 01:32 AM said:
bourbon posted on Jul 9 2005 at 11:25 PM said:
I uae gpamp. Tho it eats only ogg. but u can crunchem real small and they will still sound good :P .


GPAmp is real easy to use and I like being able to choose different skins. Which settings do you recommend for OGG files without loosing quality? Btw, I'm converting with DBPowerAmp (thanks for the link triksR4rabits)


I use roxio but that shouldnt make a diffrence i usuayl compress them down to 60kbps. It sounds darn good :P
Also you should use head phones cuz you all redy found out that the volume isnt that great with some noize around

THat is just what i use you might just want to mess aroung with it till you get what you like. ;)

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i use svorbis :)

its a nice ogg-only player....
i recently converted all my audio to ogg... its smaller and sounds better :)

i encoded my files for the gp32 with 112kbps.... it still sounds very good.
and i heard that you can go even lower without noticing much difference :)

just try it :P
yup i use svorbis as well, and I .ogg my files with CDEX (you'll find it on sourceforge.net). Music I encode to ~100kbits, and audiobooks usually go down to about ~40kbits without sound too robotic (60 if it will fit). For audiobooks especially the space saving makes it worth it.

People might pay me out a little for this, but when i do use mp3s i used the player in the original GP firmware. :o Its pretty rare that i play mp3s though.