Reeks of fish
However, keep in mind that I do not have a compulsive need to show how fucking mature I am by selecting the titles with the most blood.
whats that got to do with anything? that has to be one of the worst arguments ever for getting a gamecube over a ps2
Listen to the smart kuriboh
It's not really an argument. It's just that I have often heard that the only kind of games suitable for adults are games with blood and violence which makes the PS2 a great choice and the GC a bad one. And frankly, those people are idiots. I like the GC more, but that's not because it has less violent games than the Playstation. I don't look at violence at all. I liek Pikmin, I like Mario Kart, I like Mortal Kombat, I like Serious Sam and I like Soul Calibur - as you said, violence is the worst argument to like a game, except maybe when there is so much that it dominates the game and the other aspect were rushed
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