I want to contribute to FAQ and answer to some of the questions.
- Where is the SDK?
- When will the SDK be released?
They are working in it. I think they release before Christmas.
- Which toolchain should I use in the meantime?
You can use the openwiz toolchain for Linux, or GP2X SDK modified.
- How complete is the current GLES lib?
It's supossed to implement the 3D hardware functions.
Wiz implements Opengl-es Lite 1.1.
- Is there any timer with a resolution of 1msec?
I don't know, but you must use the hardware registers.
- Which compiler switches are good to use and why?
Use the switches
documented in GCC and specifics for ARM.
You can see the settings in other open source proyects for Wiz.
- Where is the IRC channel?
I think the forums are better than old IRC.
- Which languages can be used?
You can use Fenix or Bennu (interpreted languages oriented to games and easy to learn).
You can use glBasic too, commercial language available in many platforms.
You can use C/C++ with SDL library or libcastor (a bit difficult but more flexible).
You can use ARM asm if you want (for hard guys).
- Is there a wiki?
There is an little
wiki and everybody can apport information.
- Where can I upload/download Wiz applications?
In many GPH community sites, and the
Wiz archive.
- Consoles generally have standards for the positive/negative (or back/forward) buttons. Which button should match which action?
Wiz has the same buttons scheme like Gameboy or GBA, you can see firmware and games buttons.
I like the right button (B ) to select/yes and left button (A) to cancel/no.