Sales Where could I buy or Preorder a Pandora

Enter your email address at the top right of the openpandora home page. You'll get an email when the next preorder opens.
Well, it seems a few people canceled their preorders because of delays, banking issues etc.
Maybe there is even a chance to get one of those canceled preorders?

I really don't know. You'd have to ask.
Radon said:
Well, it seems a few people canceled their preorders because of delays, banking issues etc.
Maybe there is even a chance to get one of those canceled preorders?

I really don't know. You'd have to ask.
if you are a dev there is.
They actually refunded my money back into my card and they told me that i will get a email with in 7 days and then i have reorder again, which to me sounds crazy.

I will think about it if i want reorder, i'm thinking of buying dell laptop which is the most powerful laptop ever made which has ati radeon crossfire X and quad core extreme processor.
sukhiextreme you can also get a desktop pc with the same specs as that dell laptop for 50% of the price of your laptop lol..

and why is it crazy that you have to reorder?
sukhiextreme said:
They actually refunded my money back into my card and they told me that i will get a email with in 7 days and then i have reorder again, which to me sounds crazy.

I will think about it if i want reorder, i'm thinking of buying dell laptop which is the most powerful laptop ever made which has ati radeon crossfire X and quad core extreme processor.

No its not the fastest notebook the Sager np9262 is the undispited worlds fastest notebook with dual geforce 9800m gtx 1gb (vs the m17x dual ati hd 3870 512mb), it uses a DESKTOP platform with a quad core Q9650 and Considering that the NP9262 uses a 775 socket,You could hypothetically upgrade to a QX9775 O.O(vs a MOBILITY platform with core 2 duo extreme and quad) And 3 hard drives inside allowing 1.5 TB(vs the m17x 500gb possible in raid ? o.O wtf u cant have raid without a second hd wth do they have raid as an option ¬¬). As u can see i did the research since i too was looking to buy a high performance laptop, But u can say the alienware is a better deal since the Sager np9262 maxed costs £2.5k and the alienware m17x only costs £1k .. Now im thinking of getting the m17x and i had told myself i was never going to buy dell again. As for weight the sager weighs less with battery than the m17x :lol:

I also agree with chaosstorm, you can get a desktop pc with 2x the power of the np262 and the m17x for its price or for half the price get a desktop pc with the same specs XD and get a Pandora for MOBILE(5.2kg FTL) gaming and umpc use.
Kyosys said:
Radon said:
Well, it seems a few people canceled their preorders because of delays, banking issues etc.
Maybe there is even a chance to get one of those canceled preorders?

I really don't know. You'd have to ask.
if you are a dev there is.

@ someone from the main team.
Sorry for invading this topic, but I have a little question regarding this.
I'm interested in writing a few utilities(pandora/linux integration) and a game or two(Strategic, Platform) for the Pandora.
Does this qualify as being a dev, or should I just join the long queue that ends beyond the horizon?

I would like to second the above question. Aside from a couple of games, I also would like to write some tools allowing the Pandora to interface with servo controllers and sensors. I think this thing will be a great tool for rapid prototyping for mobile robotics systems (my main area of research).

Is that clear? I am asking what is required to be considered a developer.
The dev boards went out to established programmers who are getting the OS, drivers, GUI and libraries sorted out for shipping. We didn't have many boards, so we only sent them to people who could do the sort of stuff that the Pandora needs in order to ship to customers.
Any idea if more dev boards will be made up?

I'm pretty curious about getting going with this thing.. Maybe I'll just get a Beagle Board and get more familiar with the architecture and what not then get one when they're ready...

Man I want one.. :)
I sent an email to asking if there were any p&|a from the 1st batch still availalble. I got a quick response informing me that there were indeed some available. So as you can imagine i ordered my pandora ASAP :D

So there you go there are still some out there in the wild, but how many?
shiftybill said:
I sent an email to asking if there were any p&|a from the 1st batch still availalble. I got a quick response informing me that there were indeed some available. So as you can imagine i ordered my pandora ASAP :D

So there you go there are still some out there in the wild, but how many?

Congrats for getting one! As for how many are still available out there... no idea... but you can get a maximum of two I think :wink:.
LastPucho said:
shiftybill said:
I sent an email to asking if there were any p&|a from the 1st batch still availalble. I got a quick response informing me that there were indeed some available. So as you can imagine i ordered my pandora ASAP :D

So there you go there are still some out there in the wild, but how many?

Congrats for getting one! As for how many are still available out there... no idea... but you can get a maximum of two I think :wink:.
Well, if there were a lot of cancellations, they wouldn't advertise it. Bad PR and all. The official message will be that 3000-4000 were re-pre-ordered, no matter what. If a ton of people ditched, they couldn't let that be known. My guess is 3000+ pre-ordered, but not near 4000. I don't mean that 3000+ of the original orders were re-ordered, I mean at this point there is probably 3000+ total orders but not near 4000.
BackAssward said:
Well, if there were a lot of cancellations, they wouldn't advertise it. Bad PR and all. The official message will be that 3000-4000 were re-pre-ordered, no matter what. If a ton of people ditched, they couldn't let that be known. My guess is 3000+ pre-ordered, but not near 4000. I don't mean that 3000+ of the original orders were re-ordered, I mean at this point there is probably 3000+ total orders but not near 4000.
I doubt they want to sell all 4000. A few will be kept incase someone gets a busted one, and some will be tossed on eBay. :P They also indicated that they may send promo Pandoras to certain game companies or pro developers.

So, assuming only 3800 are being sold from the first batch...

When I ordered a couple weeks back, one of them let it slip that I was in the last 200. ^_^
Kramy said:
BackAssward said:
Well, if there were a lot of cancellations, they wouldn't advertise it. Bad PR and all. The official message will be that 3000-4000 were re-pre-ordered, no matter what. If a ton of people ditched, they couldn't let that be known. My guess is 3000+ pre-ordered, but not near 4000. I don't mean that 3000+ of the original orders were re-ordered, I mean at this point there is probably 3000+ total orders but not near 4000.
I doubt they want to sell all 4000. A few will be kept incase someone gets a busted one, and some will be tossed on eBay. :P They also indicated that they may send promo Pandoras to certain game companies or pro developers.

So, assuming only 3800 are being sold from the first batch...

When I ordered a couple weeks back, one of them let it slip that I was in the last 200. ^_^
So, by your own post, you are in the 3600+ range, which fits my post, if "the last 200" can be taken at face value. Since ~4000 were in the first pre-order, definitely a large group of people dind't re-pre-order (given all the new pre-orders like yours).
BackAssward said:
So, by your own post, you are in the 3600+ range, which fits my post, if "the last 200" can be taken at face value. Since ~4000 were in the first pre-order, definitely a large group of people dind't re-pre-order (given all the new pre-orders like yours).
Yep. But some people (like those paying with Amex) are still dealing with bank BS, so who can blame them? ;)

Others probably got scared. If they aren't involved in the community, and just want a Pandora because it's a neat gadget, having my order revoked by my creditcard company or bank would certainly unnerve me.

And others may have just changed their minds.

I'm actually impressed that 80+% re-ordered, considering everything that happened and all the delays. ^_^
I placed my order last week and got in just fine. I'm not 100% sure how the order numbers are calculated but we may be able to reverse-engineer some statistics out of the order numbers you receive. (This tactic was used to count how many tanks the Germans had made in WWII by the serial numbers printed on the side)

I've no idea what the first two numbers are. The next three characters seem to be the first letter of your first name, then the first two letters of your last name. I don't know what the last 4 numbers are but if they haven't randomised their serial numbers than they've had around 3000 orders. Higher numbers might have been taken by re-orders from the credit card refunds to simplify the process their end, and I might have someone's cancelled unit number, so it could easily be more.

But then again, I'm just guessing. ;)
RIUM+ said:
I've no idea what the first two numbers are. The next three characters seem to be the first letter of your first name, then the first two letters of your last name. I don't know what the last 4 numbers are but if they haven't randomised their serial numbers than they've had around 3000 orders. Higher numbers might have been taken by re-orders from the credit card refunds to simplify the process their end, and I might have someone's cancelled unit number, so it could easily be more.

Mine was three numbers, 3 letters (only two match my name), then 4 more numbers. The final four are thousands lower than yours, so it may not be so clear cut as an actual Pandora#. ;)

Although I suppose if I'm one of the first to receive a Pandora, it is that clear cut - but somehow I doubt that. :P