Where Can I Buy Pandora?


Still Fresh
Jan 29, 2009
Where can I buy it? Couldn't find any stores selling Pandoras with google. Do they even sell them yet?
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The post "Reordering Deadline" at the top of this forum should provide you with the information on how to purchase one. You can access the post at this URL (placed in a 'Code' box for easy copy-and-pasting, due to a current bug with the forum);


I hope this helps. :P
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You are going to have to wait until the second batch to purchase one. In case you didn't know, the Pandora is not like a simple DS or PSP where you can go to the store and buy games, you have to use emulators. I realize that you are new to the forums, but to save you from future troubles, use the search button and you will find a billion other threads like this.
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'Fry_Guy1440' said:
In case you didn't know, the Pandora is not like a simple DS or PSP where you can go to the store and buy games, you have to use emulators.

I hope you are just trolling.
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If you are really interested, take a chance ! There might still be some opening after people cancel their order.

Send an email to openpandorasales@gmail.com and say you would like to order a pandora.
If you're interested in an accessory, mention it as well as they will quote you the total price.

Specify your location (country) so they can list the shipping option/cost.

Fyi the accessories are :

CASE $19.99
BATTERY $28.99

(price in US dollars)

Good luck.
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'Fry_Guy1440' said:
\ the Pandora is not like a simple DS or PSP where you can go to the store and buy games, you have to use emulators.
You have to use emulators to buy a Pandora?
No, you mean to buy games...
So nobody here is planning to make native ARM games? Impressive.

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I got a reply I can still order from first batch.

But before I order, I'd like to ask something:
Is Pandora hardware still under development, or are first batch Pandoras identical to second batch's Pandoras?

Do first batch Pandoras have 256Mb RAM? Are second batch Pandoras better, do they have different font on keyboard etc?

Why I haven't seen any videos of a fully-assembled working final version of Pandora yet? Does anybody have one?
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1qwerty said:
I got a reply I can still order from first batch.

But before I order, I'd like to ask something:
Is Pandora hardware still under development, or are first batch Pandoras identical to second batch's Pandoras?

Do first batch Pandoras have 256Mb RAM? Are second batch Pandoras better, do they have different font on keyboard etc?

Why I haven't seen any videos of a fully-assembled working final version of Pandora yet? Does anybody have one?
The first batch will probably be exactly the same as the second, 256MB RAM etc. Unless there's problems with the first batch, where they would (obviously) be fixed for the second.
The Pandora is still in development, so there isn't a completed final version yet. This is the closest we've got: openpandora.wordpress.com/2009/01/28/assembled-pandora-video
EDIT: Stupid IPB....
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The current (MK3) board is the one that is going into mass production. The Pandora is 100% finished as far as hardware development and has been for a while.
'PlopperZ' said:
The Pandora is still in development, so there isn't a completed final version yet.
'Chip' said:
The current (MK3) board is the one that is going into mass production. The Pandora is 100% finished as far as hardware development and has been for a while.
You just made me a bit confused.

So if I order I will get a Pandora, with 256Mb RAM, and with a finished nice looking keyboard (with key names on it), and the future batches of Pandora won't be radically different?
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'1qwerty' said:
So if I order I will get a Pandora, with 256Mb RAM, and with a finished nice looking keyboard (with key names on it), and the future batches of Pandora won't be radically different?
Yes to all of the above.

I do not know if board manufacturing has started beyond getting everything set up and calibrated for full speed production. We have everything we need to do it, so it is just a matter of throwing a switch and starting up the line. The CNC case has not arrived yet. There will be pics when it has.
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What's the difference between an FDM case and a CNC case? Which is better? Which I get when I order?
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My understanding is: Neither.

FDM and CNC cases are both types of prototype, with FDM being a bit quicker to make (and generally used more early on, as I understand it), and CNC being expensive to make and in the region of multiple days to get done.

As far as I'm aware (and do correct me if I'm wrong, please), the final cases will be injection-moulded, or something of that nature. :P
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'1qwerty' said:
What's the difference between an FDM case and a CNC case? Which is better? Which I get when I order?
fdm is a rapid prototype, cnc is - well - a cnc'ed prototype. you will get neither, the final thing is injection molded (as i guess are 99% of the plastic pieces of every computer).
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You get none of them, you'll get a standard injection moulded case like every other device out there has got. FDM is a bad quality prototyping technique, CNC is a high quality prototyping technique. It's needed for testing before the final tool for injection moulding is made.

Man, I'm fast :rolleyes:
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What is that "case" accessory? If I don't order case, will I get just all components naked?
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