Where Can I Buy A Ds Lite?


Jul 17, 2010
BC, Canada
Well, I've been looking for a new DS Lite to replace my old one, but I haven't found any in stores. They have already been sold out... Anyone know of any online stores (that ship to Canada) that have them?

Forget the DSi, my CycloDS Evolution and EZFlash 3in1+ don't work with it.
I just had a look at all the usual techy places I usually use and they are either not listing it at all anymore or are out of stock :( The only thing I can suggest is either getting one second hand (but risk dodgy hardware) or getting a DSi and a DS2 (and have somewhat crappy GBA emulation) :(. If you decide to go down the DSi route, then I suspect the prices should be dropping soon with christmas coming up and the 3DS being released not long after that.

You could also try repairing your old DSL, but I guess that depends on how badly wrecked it is :/

You could also try asking around GBAtemp. May have better look there than here :ph34r:
I completely forgot about EB Games! They have them for about $110 for used ones, and $140 for new ones, and they are in stock...

What are the advantages of getting a DSi over a DS Lite? I would probably need a new flash cart... but I have no idea which one to buy... whichever emulates Gameboy Advance the best, I guess. I don't really care about the gimmicky camera features, but the web browser seems nice. The battery life is probably longer.

I've had both a Games 'n' Music (not much of a flashcart, really... it broke), a CycloDS Evolution, and an EZFlash 3in1+... I've been happy with the latter two. How do I distinguish between good and bad DSi flashcarts? The only two carts I have seen for the DSi were an R4 and an Acekard... but I can't remember which ones.

I personally think the DSi XL is unappealing because of it's size and mass, so I want to avoid getting one of those. I'd rather have something that fits into my pocket, but then again; I can mostly fit my Game Gear into most of my pockets.

I used to use my DS mostly for emulation... should I get another handheld altogether? I'd go for an iPod touch if it had button controls... (iControlpad?) or a PSP with CFW... but I don't know... I could get a Dingoo, but I don't see a lot of software for it yet. A Pandora is way out of my price range.

What I run in emulators:
GB/GBC, GBA, SNES, NES, Genesis, SMS, GG, Atari 2600, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast
Well, I run most of those on my PC, but It would be nice to play most of those otg...

Did you see my link to VideoGames Plus of the DS Lites in my previous post above yours ?.

They have three different colours in stock, But only allow one unit per customer.

Hey, I found a DS Lite on ebay... how does it look? I Think it's odd that the seller does not list all of the games that come with it. I hope the games are real and it works with my North American charger...


Ouch!, Alarm bells are ringing. Zero feedback seller ?, Apparently already sold over 170 of them ?.

DS Lite for $51 + 34 games ?, If it sounds too good to be true, It usually is.

Don`t get me wrong, I could be way off and this could be a genuine sale, But i would be very
cautious about parting money with this seller.

But that`s just me.

Be very careful.

I was a little suspicious, too... I asked a friend of mine, and he said that the games are probably pirated. It's supposed to be new (at that price?) and over 10 available? How safe is buying from eBay, anyway? What happens if the seller does not send the item... or sends something else instead? I haven't bought anything from eBay yet... I might get a GBC/GBP link cable though...
Well, The seller has only registered a few days ago and has sold most of the 170 DS`s today.

I would say wait and see what sort of feedback they get from the customers they have sold
to already, Then gage from that whether it`s a genuine and safe seller to purchase from.

Maybe you could get one here. Some colors are priced different than others.
WolfSpider said:
Maybe you could get one here. Some colors are priced different than others.

I guess I could choose the cheapest colour... It could be fuchsia with red and black polka-dots for all I care. :lol:

wait... a lot of those used ones say "acceptable" as a condition... what constitutes as an "acceptable" condition for a DS Lite? What faults could I expect? Maybe a wobbly upper-portion and lots of exterior scratches, but still working... a scratched screen? What is "good" condition? Minimal scratches?

Well, I read them in-depth, and it looks like some are dirty, scratched, have scratched screens... I'd rather not um... buy something used unless I can see it up close. I have just realized that this would be my first time buying something used without first seeing it up close.
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Actually, a friend of mine offered to sell my his lone DS Lite (without a charger) for $30. Great, I have a charger already! :D I guess I have no need to buy one elsewhere...