When Will We Be Informed Of Absolute Deadline?


Professional Derailer
Oct 1, 2008

I know the deadline to place an order is Feb 6th. I mailed out my check on Monday Feb 2nd, but it might arrive sometime next week. I emailed openpandora and told them how many I ordered and when I sent the check out. Jackie Confirmed and said that my order was secured.

When is the *ultimate deadline*? Like for the checks/MO's to arrive that people have told you is coming your way?

Also, after this ultimate deadline, will we be informed how many people are still in the game? I would hope it's close to 3000+, but I don't know if you want to keep the info private or not.

I would rather hear good news and see that a lot of people are in.
That's a good question. I know the mentioned something about a week, though my bank seems to have some aversion to helping customers and might take longer than I want. Hopefully if you notify them that the payment is on its way, they'd be okay. (I don't think they want to deal with any more refunds!)
The "absolute deadline" is whenever we run out of first batch units to sell.

If you preordered back in September and you've sent an email stating your intent to reorder now, then you're fine. We're not going to sell your Pandora out from under you if your transfer takes a couple extra days. Craigs "deadline is in 7 days" post was really just to light a fire under people's asses and get them to reorder already instead of waiting to see what would happen. It seems to have worked, too.
Chip said:
The "absolute deadline" is whenever we run out of first batch units to sell.

If you preordered back in September and you've sent an email stating your intent to reorder now, then you're fine. We're not going to sell your Pandora out from under you if your transfer takes a couple extra days. Craigs "deadline is in 7 days" post was really just to light a fire under people's asses and get them to reorder already instead of waiting to see what would happen. It seems to have worked, too.
A very valid tactic. I figured that 7 days notice was no where near enough, especially for people who have to send checks and what not.
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I just received an email from Debs (openpandorasales@gmail.com) with my order number in the subject line having all the information about the reorder deadline and the bank details that this money can be send to via Bank transfer.

As I have made my reorder payment long ago using Bank transfer that email confused me making me think that they lost my details which is a little bit distressing.

Did everyone receive that email?

I hope there is no confusion :(
Ikarus said:

I just received an email from Debs (openpandorasales@gmail.com) with my order number in the subject line having all the information about the reorder deadline and the bank details that this money can be send to via Bank transfer.

As I have made my reorder payment long ago using Bank transfer that email confused me making me think that they lost my details which is a little bit distressing.

Did everyone receive that email?

I hope there is no confusion :(
Sorry I didn't mean to post this here, I reposted it in "Reordering Deadline".
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It's also kind of insulting...but I don't knock him for it. I'm glad he did it.
Chip said:
Craigs "deadline is in 7 days" post was really just to light a fire under people's asses and get them to reorder already instead of waiting to see what would happen. It seems to have worked, too.
Worked for me, though I have to admit it was extremely difficult getting the cash together.

I will, however, be suing Craig to hell and back for my scorched arse-cheeks.

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Chip said:
If you preordered back in September and you've sent an email stating your intent to reorder now, then you're fine. We're not going to sell your Pandora out from under you if your transfer takes a couple extra days.
My only concern is that I sent an email last week with some questions which was never answered. I am not sure if it was received. Are the girls swamped or should I try another email address? I just replied to the message from gp2xmobile@googlemail.com. Is this the right one? I preordered back in September and don't want to lose my place.

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Canguy said:
Are the girls swamped or should I try another email address?
They're swamped. I believe all the reorder emails have been sent (no actual confirmation, but I was told a few days ago that they were almost done), but now they're replying to inquiries and processing all the orders that have come in in the last week.

Give it another day, and if you haven't heard back send another email.
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Chip said:
We're not going to sell your Pandora out from under you if your transfer takes a couple extra days. Craigs "deadline is in 7 days" post was really just to light a fire under people's asses and get them to reorder already instead of waiting to see what would happen. It seems to have worked, too.
Aww... that wasn't very nice. I know I rushed out when I got the e-mail to do the transfer, though half the city being shut down due and without power made that a bit difficult... Especially since my school decided to go with 8-5 blocks of classes everyday to catch up for the week everyone was snowed in. Now that I learn that US Bank charges a $50 fee, it's a little irritating to find out I actually had time to look into Tranzfers and didn't have to skip class... Can't be upset at getting a Pandora though.

(Slightly exaggerated for drama of course. :P )
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Chip said:
The "absolute deadline" is whenever we run out of first batch units to sell.

If you preordered back in September and you've sent an email stating your intent to reorder now, then you're fine. We're not going to sell your Pandora out from under you if your transfer takes a couple extra days. Craigs "deadline is in 7 days" post was really just to light a fire under people's asses and get them to reorder already instead of waiting to see what would happen. It seems to have worked, too.

Worked for me. I knew I couldn't meet the deadline so I cancelled my order so that someone else might be able to take it...
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Worked for me. I knew I couldn't meet the deadline so I cancelled my order so that someone else might be able to take it...

Hard luck, TaG. You understand the necessity of the immediate deadline though? All of us 'paid up' lot are anxious to get out Pandoras! :)

craigix did say that they would be flexible, but they couldn't start a production run based on simply promises of money.

Please try to get your REorders in within the next 7 days, don't worry if they don't arrive for a little after that - we will be flexible.
ste_167 said:
Worked for me. I knew I couldn't meet the deadline so I cancelled my order so that someone else might be able to take it...
Hard luck, TaG. You understand the necessity of the immediate deadline though? All of us 'paid up' lot are anxious to get out Pandoras! :)

craigix did say that they would be flexible, but they couldn't start a production run based on simply promises of money.

Please try to get your REorders in within the next 7 days, don't worry if they don't arrive for a little after that - we will be flexible.

Oh I understand, and agree. It's my tough luck and I want to make sure they have the unit available for someone else.

Not sure what it says about Craig's way of doing business; give people an ultimatum that you don't mean and it can go a number of ways. In the end though, they had to do something to make people decide to piss or get off the pot.
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Yea, it's not a good way to do anything. But I understand why it had to be done.