When Dell Fscks Up.

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PoisonedV said:
This has happened before. This is what the terms of service you agree to every time you order something is for.
You don't really order stuff like this expecting to get it, you order it on the off chance you might :P.
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im oretty sure if orders keep flooding in at this rate we are going to ddos dell :P
Theres no wy they could turn it on its head and make us all pay full price, right?
they will most likley cancel the orders with + 200 people getting these haha
Dell will not be responsible for typographical, pricing or other errors and reserves the right to cancel any orders based on such errors.
It's happened before, as soon as they realize the error, they cancel. But if you're lucky enough to receive it before then, there's not much they can do.
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