What's My Position In The Queue - Without Annoying Somebody?

second exodous said:
Do you know that they are getting hundreds of e-mails a day? Have you e-mailed them and asked? Lol.

Actually, while asking them to update my shipping information I was told directly that they were very busy trying to ship out pandoras. Between people with legitimate inquiries to make sure they're orders are up to date and people randomly asking about their queue position not to mention the fact that GBAX does other business besides pandora It's no stretch to see they're up to their eyeballs in work without more people running off and randomly asking every other day just because they're tired of waiting. Unless there's some specific reason you need to know your place in the queue, having every Tom Dick and Harry asking is going to slow things down. You might think what's one extra question going to matter but that's what everyone who asks thinks.
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hedwards said:
Rebel said:
Order number = Queue number?

I am not fussed on dates as I know for a fact they are waiting for parts still (and I am pretty late for the party) but it would be nice to actually know what my number actually is!

The only email I got was from google checkout with a order number that's about 8000 digits long then on the item description there is 4 digits CCN1 and 4 more digits XXXXCCN1XXXX is my queue number the last 4 digits there?
No, it isn't. Where you actually are in que is not particularly related to any of the order confirmation numbers. For one thing if you're assuming it's with Craig's shop, that's including orders for other things that he sold during that period. I'd assume that would be the case for ED and the Google checkout as well. On top of which they don't really mesh together particularly well as Craig gets 3 then ED gets 1. And I think the Google checkout number is almost certainly specific to Google checkout. Meaning that the orders I've placed for completely different things are probably factored into it.

Well I knew it wasn't going to be the google number ;) just seemed odd that the product code on the OP shops order number happened to have a 4 digit number on the back that could have been my queue number for a pandora.
If that's the case how come people seem to know where they are in the queue? ;)
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quartercast said:
Alright. You can live in imaginary problem land. I know my order number, I'm happy i asked and Jacquelyn was happy to answer.

If you look at your invoice number it should be something like 1234XYZddmmy.

The latter half is the date of your order. I ordered in 2009 hence only 'y' at the end,
but for orders in 2010 it's possible the format is now nnnnAAAddmmyy to allow for '10'
to accomodate 2010.

The 'X' should be your first name the 'Y' surname, and on mine 'Z' is actually the letter
'N'... possibly meaning 'N'ew customer, 'N'ovember order, or some other meaning?

Maybe the first 4 digits (1234) has some reference to order position? Or maybe it's just
random numbers(!) My number here is 5345. So either that's just a sequential order number
that's used for all Pandora (or even more) activitiy at GBAX, or some kind of random number,
or possibly a jumble of the real order number. If we assume I'm 3xxx then that could be 3455,
or 3554 or any other combo.

Of course, I am probably reading something into nothing... but I was starting at it earlier
thinking "I wonder what that number relates to?"

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Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering why Craig can only come on the forums fleetingly.

Yes, he is of course busy building your lovely Pandas, but he does have other commitments.
He is part of a select group of people on a game show airing in the U.K. right now...


( Well, I think there's a resemblance! )