What's Happened To Gp32x.com?


Jul 20, 2004
Hey Guys,

I hope I am posting this in the right section, if not please move it to the correct section.

I've noticed some problems things on the site that seem to have been put on the back burner of fixing, or forgotten about altogether.

1. On the Main Page, The new files section hasn't worked for months, and has "termporarily disabled" on it. It was pointed out only like 1 month or so after it fowled up and has been like that ever since. This used to be something I, and I feel many others would look at as well, to see what was new, that wasn't announced on the main page. When will this be fixed?

2. The Discussion Board on the mainpage seems to have something wrong with it as well. I don't know if anyone else has asked the question.

But the 2 lower sections used to show threads for topics in those sections, Now its just a repeat of the General Forum Postings.

One part even still says XGP on it, which has been defunct for a long time, and never really was discussed in the first place.

3. If Pandora really is coming out as soon as the next 2 months, and there's clearly a forum section for it in the forums, WHY IS IT NOT ON THE MAIN PAGE?

Its really quite decieving that I have to go into the forums, to get to the Pandora section, because its not really mentioned on the mainpage at all. All I see are Forum Posts every day with Pandora in its title, and "IF IT CAN DO X??? AND WHY?

I know it seems like I'm whining, and I'm really not, Its just been going on for a while, and it doesn't seem like certain things are getting addressed. I love this site for what it is, and the people that spend time in the forums expaining things, and the developers as well like Squidge and Craigx, who all do alot. I'm just wondering, who fixes problems with the site like this?


Only hando can really answer this, As he is the site admin after all, But from what i gather, He has, And still is pretty busy with other (probably real life) things at the moment.

Don`t quote me on this, But i am pretty sure the site will get an overhaul, Probably between now and the time the Pandora is due for release. Hopefully during this process, All of the redundant and broke sections of the site will be sorted out around the same time.

If you're a web developer (not just the OP, but anybody who reads this) and think you can help out, then by all means, offer up your services. There have been a few requests for site changes and improvements in the last few months, but I don't think anybody has actually volunteered to do them.

The GP32X front page may not look like much, but it's probably a lot more complex than most people realize. Any help you can give will certainly be considered.
trooper said:
Only hando can really answer this, As he is the site admin after all, But from what i gather, He has, And still is pretty busy with other (probably real life) things at the moment.

Don`t quote me on this, But i am pretty sure the site will get an overhaul, Probably between now and the time the Pandora is due for release. Hopefully during this process, All of the redundant and broke sections of the site will be sorted out around the same time.

An Overhaul would be excellent news if it were to happen. I realize Hando has other responsibilities, and has a life outside of this site, but this site really does need some updating if its to become the HUB for which all the software releases, emulators, and homebrew stuff for the Pandora is to flow through this site, and there's not even a section set-up for it.

The GP32X front page may not look like much, but it's probably a lot more complex than most people realize. Any help you can give will certainly be considered.

While its true its not just a bunch of text layed out nicely with borders and graphics, the design is not what really needs a huge change. I would imagine the search parameters for the forums needs to be fixed, because the forums were worked on before, and then had a Pandora Section put in, and the XGP part of the oter sections removed, so at the very least, the names of the forums probably don't match the search parameters that are being used on the front page.

I dunno.....I'm probably totally wrong. lol.
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it shouldnt be too hard to fix the front page totally, what it needs is boxes for the 3 consoles files sections, ie pandora, GP32 and GP2X, removal of XGP totally.

A Front page that has different icons for releases on each console, easy done but very much needed, a different shade of colour even.

Fixing of the forum feeds.

Maybe grabbing of the latest gp32, gp2x and pandora discussion in different boxes

seperate sections on the front page for each console etc

all easily done with time
wraggster said:
it shouldnt be too hard to fix the front page totally, what it needs is boxes for the 3 consoles files sections, ie pandora, GP32 and GP2X, removal of XGP totally. A Front page that has different icons for releases on each console, easy done but very much needed, a different shade of colour even. Maybe grabbing of the latest gp32, gp2x and pandora discussion in different boxes. seperate sections on the front page for each console etc
Something like this?

**waits for the inevitable attack on not just my design - but my worth as a human being**
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See? He does post a decent idea every once in a while.
EDIT: Here it is for all you folks that blocked Chad.
I cant view it D:
wierd, now its working in both posts. looks good, but is the gp32 still necessary on the front page?
Don't worry guys. Due to pandora release i'm thinking about changing something here and there but there are things in real life i have to handle first. Anyway, I hope you'll see some changes soon for example something similar to Chad's proposition. About new files box. The problem is that with server upgrade to php5 some directives in php.ini was changed. The most important is the one which currently doesn't let me to include files from other servers (new files list comes as you probably know from gp32x.de). As gp32x.de is a virtual server I can't change it myself and server admin refuse to change it because of global server security. So actually I can do nothing at the moment. Changing server is currently not an option for me as renting a real server cost a lot.
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hando said:
Don't worry guys. Due to pandora release i'm thinking about changing something here and there but there are things in real life i have to handle first. Anyway, I hope you'll see some changes soon for example something similar to Chad's proposition. About new files box. The problem is that with server upgrade to php5 some directives in php.ini was changed. The most important is the one which currently doesn't let me to include files from other servers (new files list comes as you probably know from gp32x.de). As gp32x.de is a virtual server I can't change it myself and server admin refuse to change it because of global server security. So actually I can do nothing at the moment. Changing server is currently not an option for me as renting a real server cost a lot.

Ahhh. I see said the blind man. Much appreciation grasshopper sir! Anyway, thanks for shedding some light on this, I was begining to wonder why things were done this way. Now that I realize that this is done off of a virtual server, I can see that you are not in complete control as you would like, as you don't truly own the server.
I thank you for taking the time to read my concerns. I made this thread because I felt as many others do that this is the place where all the Pandora stuff will really go on between developers, and users, and design wise, some things do need to change if we do expect to keep attracting new people to the pandora, and its community.
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dsraa said:
One part even still says XGP on it, which has been defunct for a long time, and never really was discussed in the first place.

yeah it says it on the forum name as well, i posted about this here over a year ago > http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=36612

the heading on the marketplace forum has it listed as well "Want to sell or buy something related to GP32 / GPX2 / XGP (boxed games, rf units consoles etc.) - post it here." notice how it says gpX2
is there still some hope that the XGP will come out or something ?
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I will volunteer to add the following to any ever-included php file:
header("Expires: Mon, 19 Jul 1990 01:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");

Because seriously, I have to refresh everytime since my browser does what the server sais, and it sais nothing about caching afaik.

If you don't trust this brand new user with access to those files, then this is a pretty-please suggestion! :D
hando said:
The most important is the one which currently doesn't let me to include files from other servers (new files list comes as you probably know from gp32x.de). A
Maybe an iframe can help you out? You could also download the file in php & cache it on your server.
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