What vidya gaems are you planning on playing/emulating?

Mithrildor said:
Lolzors , we are able to play Duke Nukem 3D , someone (forgot who , there was a topic about it on gp32x.de , but thats unaccesable now.) ported dosbox to Pandora (well actually is busy with it , he just needs a pandora to be able to finish it. So we will be able to play it :D.
Again, why run it on dosbox when it can be ported to run natively on Pandora? It ran very well on the GP2X too.

WhyKlef said:
Would games like The Dig / Full Throttle be playable? I think they had a DOSbox version but other then that, wouldn't that enter in the Scumm section?
The Dig and Full Throttle played nicely on GP2X with ScummVM, so no problem on Pandora.
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Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Ultima 6
Monkey Island 1 and 2
Possible Quake 2 if I can find my game disc O_o
Sam and Max Hit the Road

And assuming we get N64 emulation at some point: Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye 007, Waveracer, Mario 64, Banjo and Kazooie.

Also of course the standard array of SNES, NES, GB, GBA, PSX and etc games.
I've just discovered DOSBox, and its wealth of abandonware. I'll probably dig into those games, some PS1 games (Final Fantasy IX, Wipeout 3) and SNES games (Mario Kart).

I'll be keeping an eye out here for any titles mentioned often as subtle suggestions of things to try out, too. :)
amazes me how many people think Wine is pure emulation, and so will work anywhere. IT IS NOT. emulation is emulating hardware. When you use wine, you're running PC games on a PC (same CPU!!) just with a different OS. Wine is a windows compatibility layer for PC hardware. needs x86.

why isn't the Pandora x86 then? because ARM is way, way more power-efficient and powerful for the Pandora's size. x86, the system would last about half as long on battery or less and be half as powerful or something similiar (don't quote me on that.)
I'd like to play all of the games that were unplayable on my GP2X F-100. That's pretty much any game that requires frequent direction changes.

I'd like to get on with some FF Tactics, Brigandine, FF7-9, Civilization II, WWF Attitude, Star Ocean, Metal Gear, Tony Hawk, Resident Evil etc, etc.

The game that I hope to play the most is the (first) one that I'd personally like to create for the system. I really hope that I get to play that one. :)
I hope to enjoy T-16 emulation, NES of course, SMS, and the ever awesome Atari 2600. I'd love to see a proper Vectrex Emulator, too. That'd rock.
Grench said:
Nightwind0 said:
Grench said:
Neverwinter Nights - Full version

No joke. There is a Linux binary set out there. No Wine required. I have no idea if it can be done or not.... yet.

Should fit inside of 10 GB on an SD card.

How are those 3d Linux graphics drivers coming along?
Binary set won't help you, linux or not. Binaries are compiled for an architecture, namely Intel x86.... it won't run on ARM.

Unless we can convince the game manufacturer to compile a Linux -ARM based result, right? Working on that. They compiled a Linux version already = Linux friendly. Who knows? Maybe they'll do it.

NeverWinterNight 2 is Windows only. So they are not that linux friendly. :(
i want to play ikuruga, radiant silvergun, REZ... please... i really need the DC to be emulated. OMG ALSO NIGHTS!
Thinking about it, 3DO emulation would also rock. Many bizzare, but great games on that system.
sebt3 said:
Grench said:
Nightwind0 said:
Binary set won't help you, linux or not. Binaries are compiled for an architecture, namely Intel x86.... it won't run on ARM.

Unless we can convince the game manufacturer to compile a Linux -ARM based result, right? Working on that. They compiled a Linux version already = Linux friendly. Who knows? Maybe they'll do it.

NeverWinterNight 2 is Windows only. So they are not that linux friendly. :(

The main difference?
NWN was a bioware game with a radial menuing system that would rock on the Pandora controls.
NWN2 was not a bioware game, though it shares forum space with it at bioware. It has a poor UI that wouldn't fit so well with Pandora.

What about using QEMU to get past the ARM/X86 bit? It would be very tight I imagine. There would have to be a light as possible Linux OS running with QEMU under it holding a X86 VM which in turn runs a lightweight installation and the X86 version of NWN. No idea how bad performance would be though. That is a lot of layers on that onion.

It would be so much easier if Bioware & Atari would create a set of ARM binaries.