Only Amiga makes it possible
Again, why run it on dosbox when it can be ported to run natively on Pandora? It ran very well on the GP2X too.Mithrildor said:Lolzors , we are able to play Duke Nukem 3D , someone (forgot who , there was a topic about it on gp32x.de , but thats unaccesable now.) ported dosbox to Pandora (well actually is busy with it , he just needs a pandora to be able to finish it. So we will be able to play it.
The Dig and Full Throttle played nicely on GP2X with ScummVM, so no problem on Pandora.WhyKlef said:Would games like The Dig / Full Throttle be playable? I think they had a DOSbox version but other then that, wouldn't that enter in the Scumm section?
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