What type of poster are you?


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
After you post a topic, do you...

( a ) Go watch something on TV and forget you ever posted it.
( b ) Come back an hour or two later and see if anyone has replied.
( c ) Refresh the page after about 10 minutes, then afterwards about every hour until someone replies.
( d ) Setup a perl script which refreshes the page every 5 nanoseconds.

When deciding how to word your topic, do you...

( a ) Write it as quickly as possible with no concern for correctness in both the subject and spelling / grammar.
( b ) Double-check your wording to make sure the reply is actually correct, to your knowledge, in both the subject matter and spelling / grammar.
( c ) Do a Google search and double-check your subject matter.
( d ) Create a fully-detailed research report, and ressurect Webster himself to correct your spelling and grammar.

When someone says, 'Is there a GBA emulator for the GP32?', do you reply with...

( a ) "No."
( b ) "No, it's not really possible to have a GBA emulator on the GP32 due to the ROM size."
( c ) "Here are my findings based on why this is not possible: blah blah blah technical specs vs GP32 specs blah blah blah"

When waiting for rlyeh's next emulation WIP report, do you...

( a ) Forget that rlyeh is the one making so many WIP reports.
( b ) Thank rlyeh for all his hard work in the GP32 development scene, possible even with a monetary donation.
( c ) Spam his mailing list with questions about when the next WIP report will be.
( d ) Kidnap rlyeh and demand WIP every 10 minutes, then act confused when he obviously says he cannot work while his hands are tied up.

When someone presents an interest in buying a GP32, do you...

( a ) Don't reply.
( b ) Talk about your own experiences with the GP32.
( c ) Present a detailed cost-analysis report.
( d ) Hack into the Entware site and spam him, threatening never to stop until he buys a GP32.

When someone insults you on the message board, do you...

( a ) Don't reply.
( b ) Thank them for their "illustrious wit" and claim their personal attack as "non-sequitor", to expose them for the moron they truly are.
( c ) Flame them uncontrollably.
( d ) Hire mafia hitmen to assasinate their dog.

When you are especially bored, do you...

( a ) Play on your GP32.
( b ) Browse your favorite message boards, like gp32x.de
( c ) Hang out on the GP32 IRC channels and program bots to react to innocuous ascii art.
( d ) Make a new GP32 website dedicated to the effects of spam (the edible snack) on GP32 users.
( e ) Write silly quizzes.

For every ( a ), give yourself 1 point. For every ( b ), give yourself 2 points. For every ( c ), give yourself 3 points. For every ( d ), give yourself 4 points. And, finally, for every ( e ), give yourself 10,000 points.

0 - 6 points: You didn't do the whole quiz, silly.
7 - 13 points: The common GP32 user. Overall, a healthy attitude but not especially active.
14 - 20 points: An active contributor (at least in feedback).
21 - 27 points: A little TOO active...and a little scary...
28 points: Suggest you go see a therapist and talk about your unhealthy fixations.
10,000 points: Truly pathetic.

(darn auto-smilies)
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i have to say some of those replies were hilarious! :lol: great quiz!! I got a 14 btw
I'm 13.5 (On the what do you do when you are bored there should be 'Browse gp32x AND do IRC at the same time') :P :D :) ;) :lol:
big deal, you beat me by one point. :D I guess I will have to try harder next time. ;)
when NssOne said there were too many questions, I decided to go back and check, and there are 8! I thought there were only 7, so Esn, I GOT 16!!!! IN YOUR FACE!! :D :lol:
well, you tied my score. we can be pathetic together! :lol:
14. (5 B's, 1 A, 1 C.)

Good and funny poll Gen, thanks. The only thing that would make it better would be to replace every "do you" with "you". Would that make more sense to you?