What Older Consoles Did/do You Own?

Classic Team

Jun 22, 2007
Oregon, US
What consoles did or do you own? Maybe even your favorate games for it? Heres my list:

I have (From oldest to newest): Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Gameboy, Sega genesis, Gamegear, Super Nintendo, Sega Nomad, Nintendo 64, Sony Playstation 2, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo DS.

I've also had: Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Sony Playstation (not X)

My favorate games for each console (other than the nomad, which also plays genesis games):

Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Land 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Troble

Super Nintnedo:
Super Mario Kart

Nintendo 64:
Paper Mario

Playstation 2:
Rachet & Clank: Up Your Arsonal

Sonic Gems Collection

Nintendo DS:
Sonic Rush

anyone else?
- Classic Team (AKA Mygames19, the new member)
This will be very long for some people <_<

Duck Hunt

Super Mario World

Genesis/Mega Drive
Sonic The Hedge Hog 2

Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, and gamebay color
-POkemon red

To Close To Count

Jet Moto


Smash Bros Melee

Mario Kart


Twilight Princess

Probably forgot something <_<
Well this topic is for both Handhelds & Consoles, get over it daclassicgamingmaster.

When I used to have the PS1 I really liked the Crash bandicoot series platforming, and I understand that Crash 1 IS playable on the GP2X's PSX emulator. :D
Sega Master System -- Hang-on -- Still own.
Nintendo NES -- Captain Skyhawk -- Still own.
Sega Dreamcast -- Ferrari somethingoranother -- Still own.
Sony Playstation -- Grand Turismo
Sony Playstation 2 -- GTA3
Sega Megadrive -- Kawasaki Superbike -- Still own.
Atari Jaguar -- Nothing. Honestly.
Nintendo N64 -- Zelda OOT -- Still own.
Microsoft Xbox -- Fable
Nintendo Wii -- Zelda TP -- Still own.

Atari XE -- Great American Cross Country Road Race -- My 1st computer.
Commodore Amiga A600 -- Stuntcar Racer -- Still own.
Commodore Amiga A1200 -- Stuntcar Racer -- Still own.
Atari 520 STFM -- Vroom -- Still own.
Atari Falcon -- I don't remember ever seeing any games for sale for it.

Atari Lynx -- Xenophobe -- Still own.
Nintendo Gameboy -- Tetris
Nintendo Gameboy Color -- Super Mario DX
Nintendo Gameboy Advance -- Mariokart
Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP -- Mariokart
Sega Game Gear -- Mickey Mouse (Castle of Illusion?)
NEC PC Engine GT -- R-Type
Sony PSP -- GTA SA -- Still own.
Nintendo DS -- 42 Classic Games
Nintendo DS Lite -- 42 Classic Games -- Still own.
GamePark GP32 -- Still own.
GamePark GP2X -- Still own.
carlgeorge said:
Atari Lynx -- Xenophobe -- Still own.
Nintendo Gameboy -- Tetris
Nintendo Gameboy Color -- Super Mario DX
Nintendo Gameboy Advance -- Mariokart
Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP -- Mariokart
Sega Game Gear -- Mickey Mouse (Castle of Illusion?)
NEC PC Engine GT -- R-Type
Sony PSP -- GTA SA -- Still own. ??????????????
Nintendo DS -- 42 Classic Games
Nintendo DS Lite -- 42 Classic Games -- Still own.
GamePark GP32 -- Still own.
GamePark GP2X -- Still own.
Are you sure that San Andreas came out on the PSP? ;)
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It MAY have, correct me if Im wrong (which I probubly am)

Good lists - I bealave CarlGeorge is a large retrogamer, with all those old consoles, not to mention hes got the GP32 & the GP2x.

FluffyHamster: I really like your list. almost all the games you listed are on my favorate list.

(and...sorry for the spelling, Im doing this fast...)
Classic Team said:
It MAY have, correct me if Im wrong (which I probubly am.
You are. The only GTA remakes in the PSP are Vice City and Liberty City Stories.
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Oldest console I have is a Philips G7000

hi here is my list

It was too hard to pick just one game per console

I did have a really old Atari something I can’t remember what.

Zelda Link's Awakening
Super Mario Land 2

GBA - own
golden sun

Zombies Ate My Neighbors * one of the best games ever made

N64 - own
golden eye
Zelda ocarina of time

Playstation - own
Metal gear solid

Playstation 2 - own
Metal gear solid

Resedent Evil 4
Super Paper Mario

XBOX- own
splinter cell
Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy

DS lite - own
Phoenix Wright 1/2

XBOX 360 - own
Gears of War

There seems to be a reoccurring theme when it comes to
Nintendo and Sony games

Old console that played pong-like games, games controlled with rotary knob controllers - Broken

Amstrad CPC464+ - Sold

Gameboy - Sold

SNES - Sold

GameGear - Still have

GBA - Sold

Playstation - Still have


Playstation 2 - Still have

XBOX - Sold

DS - Still have

Wii - Still have

PSP - Bought recently

Favourite games:

Too many to mention ;)
Mac-10: Correct me if Im wrong, but Super Paper Mario was only for the Wii, not the Gamecube. :P

Samba Pa Ti: Your probubbly the longest running VG fan on the forums... other than many others that may have before you or the same as you. The oddysey was the first home video game concole, with Pong being the first solo - game console. That was just about the same time that your videomaster came out. :D
Classic Team said:
Mac-10: Correct me if Im wrong, but Super Paper Mario was only for the Wii, not the Gamecube. :P
The name of the game on the N64 was "Paper Mario." For me, it rates in the top 10 games for the N64. The game on the Wii is a sequel.

edit: The last sequel was on the Game Cube called "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door." And yes, the latest is "Super Paper Mario" for the Wii.
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c64 (I am looking for Armalyte on disk, anybody an idea?), Philipps Videopac G7000, atari lynx, gameboy, gameboy light, bunch of nintendo game&watch (not really a console)

Steve-O said:
Oldest console I have is a Philips G7000

no 33 is Jumping Acrobats, isn't it?
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