λ the β-Redex Reducer
β-Redex Reducing Member
Yeah, flea markets were great for cheap stuff. Some second-hand shops also sell stuff for cheap. In a second-hand shop I got a TI-84 Plus for €1,-. Though I actually think that is a pretty fair price for what is essentially a computer based on a Z80 CPU, some stores sell them new for over €100,-. I guess that they made a good deal with schools which then require their students to use them. Otherwise I really do not understand how they can sell these things for that price.
But I would not buy 3 regular Gameboy Classic games for €55,-. If you wait longer and keep searching you can likely find a much better deal. Maybe not on flea markets though, those are gone now. Too bad, I would love to go to one again. At least there are still second-hand shops and the good old dumping grounds. I have a working high-class CRT with standard to put it on and to put stuff below it (such as my Commodore64 or NES) and I got it for free from a dumping ground nearby.
But I would not buy 3 regular Gameboy Classic games for €55,-. If you wait longer and keep searching you can likely find a much better deal. Maybe not on flea markets though, those are gone now. Too bad, I would love to go to one again. At least there are still second-hand shops and the good old dumping grounds. I have a working high-class CRT with standard to put it on and to put stuff below it (such as my Commodore64 or NES) and I got it for free from a dumping ground nearby.