My mother's Christmas present.
I've kind of toying around adding a later model Motorola 68k based Mac for my collection. With recent dealings with my new car, I'll have to wait a while before I can spend money on retro hardware.Quadra 950. Working. With 2GB IBM drive from 1994. Large, heavy and takes half of minute to spin up. Probably 4 plates inside.
Luigi’s Mansion
I don't have a loudness meter.Really nice @Klumpen Just out of interest, what's your dB(a) output with and without that mute?
Ok, I thought it was either me or the (cheap) trumpet, but as it turns out, that expensive Yamaha electro mute was what messed up the intonation regardless of how I tune the instrument, it was out of tune with itself.Yes, there's a couple of apps out there but I have no idea as to how accurate those are... Just the difference between situation A and B would be nice to know in that case. 10dB difference is 10dB difference in that regard