What Happend

They all moved to the Gigas Engine forum, and Counter\Gp32 Anime Freak probably has a new nick name so no one makes fun of him anymore.
A bunch of people got together in the Gp32x community and decided to make a game, but it didn't end up going anywhere.
so what happened to anime freak/ counter to make them want a new nck?
all there bulshit stories, started off with counters 'genesis emu' that he was gunna relese
at the meetup. read his thread, its funny.

he started a dupe called gp32 anime freak but didnt learn not to start bullshit stories, i remember the one where somebody 'stole' his gp32 from his locker.

he was a fukin asshole. :D
Lets not dredge up that whole sorry episode again. If the guy does have a new nick, he seems to be behaving himself, so no problems there.
Well, we set up a discussion forum (http://thaworx.co.uk/cgp/index.php), discussed about the story, etc.

We had a nice story nearly completely setup (I can post it here if anyone's interested), but we ran out of manpower (initially, about 15-20 people were involved in the project... but after we finished the story, only 3-4 were left... and the project was way too large to finish it with the few guys...