what exactly is a gp32?


Still Fresh
Apr 20, 2003
i was going to buy a gameboy advance and then i accidentally stumbled across a gp32. i have never heard of this but it sounds like an excellent device. does it just work by installing emulators and laoding roms? are their emulators for gameboy advance and the good old amiga? also, how long has this this been around? cheers

Hi bizt :-)


You don't doubt it.

The GP32 is EXAGGERATED SUPERIOR to the GBA in all ways practically (screen resolution, speed microprocessors, ..., etc.

and I think that GP32's EMU SCENE is even GREATER than GBA! X-D

I think exist a private GBA emu in working...

and AMIGA... oh yeah!
I love AMIGA 500!

I believe that we must be patient because surely sooner or later it will appear some emulator of this. :-D


- Wonder Boy -
Hmmm I want an Amiga Emu for it!!! I have my 2000 right next to me plus I have 2 500s and a 3000 in the house.

I want an amiga emu for it too!!!.

Excuse my manners, :o What do i mean I WANT :blink: , As if i am demanding an Amiga Emulator for the GP32, I Have still have 4 Amigas of my own, But that does not give me the right to demand, As if the world owe`s me something. :angry:

Anyway, What i was ment to say was, I would love to see an Amiga Emulator for the GP32 (if it is at all possible). As it would allow me and loads of other GP32 owners the possibility of playing lots of classic amiga games, Of which i still play now on my laptop, But it would have the added convenience of being pocket sized. :)


Sorry to burst a bubble here, but whilst its possible to do some Amiga stuff (at a guess) its unlikely to be so due to the quantity of hardware the amiga packed in addition to the CPU. However, there's an ST emu being done (probably), which I'm told had much the same games as an amiga, so we can at least hope for that.

Feel free to prove me wrong and get a decent working Amiga emu going, but I doubt it'll happen, purely because of the number of chips, again.
Tobriand posted on Apr 20 2003 said:
Sorry to burst a bubble here, but whilst its possible to do some Amiga stuff (at a guess) its unlikely to be so due to the quantity of hardware the amiga packed in addition to the CPU. However, there's an ST emu being done (probably), which I'm told had much the same games as an amiga, so we can at least hope for that.

Feel free to prove me wrong and get a decent working Amiga emu going, but I doubt it'll happen, purely because of the number of chips, again.

When i posted my previous message there was a hint of sarcasm in there, Mainly aimed at the post before mine.

I know its only words, But stating that i want, I want, Because i already have a shed load of amigas, Does not mean you have a right to it or even deserve it.
Just be patient, People put hours, Days, Week, Months into producing software for us, And most give it away for free. :blink:

Anyway, I am not a programmer, But i personaly think it should be possible. I know you can not compare mhz to mhz on different platforms/processor, But just an example. I have a Toshiba libretto with a 166 mhz processor, 2 meg of video ram and no open gl support. It has win98 installed on it (which is a hog to say the least), And othe crap runnig in the task bar. But it still manages to run WinFellow (An Amiga 500 emulator) At a good speed. Bareing in mind that the Arm9 processor is apparently supposed to be slightly more optimized (133mhz Arm9 <> pentium 166mhz).


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Tobriand posted on Apr 20 2003 said:
However, there's an ST emu being done (probably), which I'm told had much the same games as an amiga, so we can at least hope for that...


because AMIGA is AMIGA, it is to say:
it is not Atari ST and it is not something different from AMIGA.

Atari ST was good but not as much as AMIGA...
at least for me!


- Wonder Boy -
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As we have all discussed, an Amiga emulator is unlikely...
However Atari ST and Atari 2600 emulators are both in production, and I think near-finished. However comparing them is NOT a good idea, the Amiga outclasses the Atari in every way - it's just the name gets confused.

Good news is, most Amiga games have been ported to PC in some form, and may have source so we can port them to GP32.

Oh, and forgive me if I confused the two things in this post :)

Bareing in mind that the Arm9 processor is apparently supposed to be slightly more optimized (133mhz Arm9 <> pentium 166mhz).

The Arm9 is a RISC (reduced instruction set) processor, so it runs faster in general.

- Rico
I know the specs of the different systems, even though the Amiga's had varied hardware many of them were single piece machines (Like the 500, 1200 ect..) although they were upgradeable most of them were pretty standard. It should be possiable to write an EMU that supports the hardware config of the 500, 2000 etc.. especialy the lower end Amigas should work. When it comes to the AGA machines I'm not sure, and the 3000 and 4000 hardware might be hard to do.
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directhex posted on Apr 20 2003 said:

no disrespect to craig, but have a review written by someone who DOESN'T make a living selling the things. i mean, i wouldn't ask in a Sony Center which games console to buy...


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't he also sell GBA's on that site? In that review he states that the GP32 is "lightyears ahead" of the GBA. Surely that'd be against his interests seeing as he's selling GBA's, which no doubt account for far more profits than the GP32 does. Perhaps, when you bare this in mind, the GP32 review doesn't seem so biased.
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well we all know what the gp32 can and can't do, same way that other consoles get hyped by sellers and manufactuers and never perform exactly like that
well we all know what the gp32 can and can't do, same way that other consoles get hyped by sellers and manufactuers and never perform exactly like that

Ah! This is the problem! Many of the poeple posting on this board dont yet OWN a GP32, never mind know what it can and can't do! I'm thinking of setting up a site that will hopefully redress this balance. Watch this space :D
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't he also sell GBA's on that site? In that review he states that the GP32 is "lightyears ahead" of the GBA. Surely that'd be against his interests seeing as he's selling GBA's, which no doubt account for far more profits than the GP32 does.

Hmmm... dunno about this...

Craig probably doesnt actually sell many GBA units through his site - you can, after all, get those from virually anywahere with no problems). He probably makes most of the money out of the accessories....

GP32s on the other hand - apparently he's selling bloody loads of them (seeing as he's one of the only suppliers to the Western world!).

I can understand people's attitudes towards Craig's review though (looked at more than one review myself before making the all-important purchase - from Craig :D ). This is yet another reson I'm setting up the new site - I want a site that people can be confident is unbiased and tells you what Gamepark's little wonder can and cannot do (and how to do it if it can!).
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't he also sell GBA's on that site? In that review he states that the GP32 is "lightyears ahead" of the GBA. Surely that'd be against his interests seeing as he's selling GBA's, which no doubt account for far more profits than the GP32 does. Perhaps, when you bare this in mind, the GP32 review doesn't seem so biased.

I think it may be more biased b/c everyone's already got a gba, so they'll buy a gp32 b/c of this.