Linux Virgin!
When i ordered my pre-order pandora I also bought a 32GB card aswell. What class will they be? I never really thought about it before until gruso mentioned sd cards on the community blog. I'm assuming they're SanDisk cards since that's the only make of card on GBAX. Any info would be great, I'm also assuming it'll come with my pandora along with the tv cable. They will all come together wont they? thanks for the info in advance 
Edit: Don't worry gruso I'm not going off what you wrote about classes of sd cards. You just jogged my memory to ask what class and make the 32GB cards are. I've had a few class 2 cards over the last few years, I have a 16GB class 2 in my Gp2X at the moment and it's as slow as hell and takes forever to write to/from so I wouldn't want one of that speed for my pandora so if that was the case I'd rather source my own faster card. I don't however think craigx would send class 2 cards anyway especially since the prices of cards has come down over the last year or so since we ordered the cards anyway. I suppose I could get by with a class 4 but a class 6 would be better even if i had to cough up a few quid more for better speeds
Edit: Don't worry gruso I'm not going off what you wrote about classes of sd cards. You just jogged my memory to ask what class and make the 32GB cards are. I've had a few class 2 cards over the last few years, I have a 16GB class 2 in my Gp2X at the moment and it's as slow as hell and takes forever to write to/from so I wouldn't want one of that speed for my pandora so if that was the case I'd rather source my own faster card. I don't however think craigx would send class 2 cards anyway especially since the prices of cards has come down over the last year or so since we ordered the cards anyway. I suppose I could get by with a class 4 but a class 6 would be better even if i had to cough up a few quid more for better speeds