DaveC said:
skeezix said:
authoreyes -- I should start working on a smaller more focuses project, back to my tile engine; working on a huge multiplayer game is eating up waaaaay too much time, and not getting anywhere quick

I'm sort of thinking that .. smaller scoped games are more 'immediate', which is more satisfying.
Or maybe fixing up minimenu a bit? I know you were talking about that but then nothing ever happened with it.
If you don't intend to do anything with it anymore than maybe you could release the source? Maybe someone could hack around with it and make the improvements that way?
Dude, minimenu and libpnd and all that has been open source day zero
But there are some minimenu and libpnd changes coming soon; actually last night I was mulling over some things, thought I'd ask you what you thought --
ie: Regarding the old option to have appdata in the 'same place' as the pnd-file, I wanted to know if you thought that should be a 'global config' option (set it once, instantly and always applies to all apps), or on a per-something basis (ie: per-directory or per-app or some-thing.)
Easiest woudl be a pure global .. flip the flag and blammo, and makes sense .. if you prefer it that way, you'd prefer it all the way. But is there a case for liking some apps to have their app-data nearby, and others to just use the 'canonical' location?
(I do not intend on building a menu item into minimenu to do that, since it has to work for xfce and every other environment; but making it in conf files would make it unused. I coudl make a toggle-script that shows up in the menus, a la EDs various config menu scripts.. or make it something like you stick a file '.keepdata' in the same dir as a pnd, and that means to keep the appdata there, or something. I did think about making it so you have put a dir 'appdata' into the same place as the .pnd-file, then the system would put appdata there. (ie: ./foo.pnd would then have ./appdata/foo-123/*), which would seem a not bad way to do it .. but it'd be just as easy to a System pnd that gives you a setting menu ..)
sebt3: Whats holding yu up until post-Xmas? Going back home and no hacking time? (if so, good for you

-- I think a pretty recent pnd_run.sh of yours is in git for some time .. is that one good, or is that the one with broken documentation? or do you have a newer one?I did a bunch of changes with support for that, but haven't had time to test nor release stuff, but figured to do it 'soonish'. We're in crunch-time in real life (This whole year has been total crunch suckage for me, but especially right now .. mid-December I'm back to 'free', with 'freeze time' .. woo
sebt3: Looks like you also removed some of the 'dependancy voodoo' that we'd added but not used yet.