Well, Im Fucked...


Apr 12, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Well, as you read in my topic im fucked. I've had my GP32 for a while and now it doesnt work. At first it would not read my smc it always said there was no SMC inserted. So i just bought a new smc put it in and tried formating it through GP-Link with no success. gives me the same errors. so i came to the conclusion that it doesnt read smc's anymore. So if anyone can help me or wants a scraped gp32 pm me.
Well, I know mine's done that once or twice, but it always sorts itself out if I blow hard down the smc slot, much as I used to do with my old GB if when turned on it only displayed that black line instead of the Nintendo logo. Never had it do it persistantly. How long have you had it, and have you contacted whoever you bought it from? I do believe they are supposed to be guaranteed, at least to some extent...
which version of pc-link do you use?
I have had a problem like that, so I tried a new smc, and I even got a new gp32_console but steal it woulden't work....problem was that i used pc-link that were somewhat corrupted... :ph34r:
Might be worth you getting a SMC Reader before you panic, as they're far better anyway and it might just sort you out...

...if not, you'll have one then anyway and you can get them pretty cheaply.

Well, I know mine's done that once or twice, but it always sorts itself out if I blow hard down the smc slot, much as I used to do with my old GB if when turned on it only displayed that black line instead of the Nintendo logo. Never had it do it persistantly. How long have you had it, and have you contacted whoever you bought it from? I do believe they are supposed to be guaranteed, at least to some extent...
lol and the NES! worst dust problems ever. :angry:
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Um, never blow in the slot of anything, the moisture in your breath gradually corrodes and ruins the contacts. It helps for a bit, but will always make it worse in the long run. That's what used to mess up the nes carts because everyone use to do that. Buy a cart cleaning kit. Trust me on this one.
I have had the same problem on a few occasions. Can you still boot to the firmware? If you can then link it up to the pc and use pc-link to format the card and put some stuff on and it usually works again. Failing that use a card reader or send the card to someone with a working gp32_console to format it for you. PM me if you want me to try.

if you cant fix it i'll have it
I'm sure you would. :)
Um, never blow in the slot of anything, the moisture in your breath gradually corrodes and ruins the contacts. It helps for a bit, but will always make it worse in the long run. That's what used to mess up the nes carts because everyone use to do that. Buy a cart cleaning kit. Trust me on this one.
I may be wrong but dosnt the GP32 and almost anything new have Gold contacts ? or at least Gold plated contacts

probably best to get a cleaning kit but I havent seen one for smc
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Um, never blow in the slot of anything, the moisture in your breath gradually corrodes and ruins the contacts. It helps for a bit, but will always make it worse in the long run. That's what used to mess up the nes carts because everyone use to do that. Buy a cart cleaning kit. Trust me on this one.
lmfao! I never blew into my NES :unsure:
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