Weird Smc


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
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In the 2 years of owning a GP32, nlu and now a flu unit, i've never had this problem and i don't know what is causing it.

I got 2 more 128 mb SMC, one for BOR and the other i'm not sure what i'm going to do with. I put the new SMC in my card reader and setup the directory structure. I put the BOR fxe in GPMM and all my paks.

Now when i turn on my GP32 and go into the european firmware, it automatically starts BOR, YAFL and PacRom won't even launch the file at all. If i wanted to put another .fxe on this SMC i'm afraid it won't let me because of it automatically loading BOR.

None of my other SMC have this problem and I had BOR on my other SMC until i got these new ones and it didn't do that. Anybody else have this problem or know why it's automatically booting from European firmware and won't work with any other fw?
Can`t help except telling you to keep pressing select or L&R (don`t know exactly which keys to press) when switching on or changing to pacrom and then format the card...

btw, Your new Avatar rules :D
lol, that was the first thing i did. I formatted the card in Pac-rom, which i don't think did anything, after that i put the card in the card reader and set up the directories, and then put all the stuff where it needed to go and now this happened.

The other 2 smc i have had since i got my first GP32 and before i got my card reader so I formatted them using PC-Link. I wonder if that has anything to do with it since i didn't use PC-Link this time around.
i haven't tried yet. I'm going to try when i get home from work. I was just dumbfounded when it was auto booting BOR instead of going to the launcher to choose the file.
I thought that if u only have one fxe on the card that the euro fimware will boot it oppon start up. you could try putting the slubmans firmware fxe and use the format tool on it just make sure you hot swap the cards :P.
bourbon posted on Jul 18 2005 at 01:04 PM said:
I thought that if u only have one fxe on the card that the euro fimware will boot it oppon start up.

I thought so too.... but then I wonder why my GPCinema card doesn't auto-boot, since it's the only FXE on the card....
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One of my SMC's only works with GPDRIVE, so I can't use it in my card reader :blink:

Oh, and, the autostart "feature" only happens on the beta version of the Euro firmware, which was released before the BLU. But holding START when booting should fix it.