Website dedicated to Pyra development

I have a small update.  After my last post, I attempted to get the same version of GCC, Glibc, and binutils which I know works (from Ivanovic's toolchain), this worked until I needed to get the libraries from, which broke a few things until I used the --with-arch=armv5te flag when building GCC.  After this fiasco, I took another look at supporting GCC 4.8.2, which won't be too difficult.  The main problem is just the libraries it uses won't be available on the Pandora by default, meaning that LD_LIBRARY_PATH will have to point to the new libraries before running the program (easy enough to do in a .pnd).  I'm going to write a simple test program as soon as I have the toolkit in a usable state, just using NEON, 3D graphics, networking, threading, and some audio output.  I may be taking a break this weekend to take part in the MiniLD.
Another small update.  I've used the Qt Installer Framework to create a very basic installer for x86_64 Linux.  The only libraries provided are NCURSES and OpenGL | ES (EGL is included with GLES).  In order to use libstdc++, you will need to copy the library from the toolchain ( to a directory of your choosing and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the directory containing the library.  In addition to copying it, you will need to re-name it to in order for it to be found.

Pandora SDK for Linux [alpha | x86_64]

There is a simple game (at a very immature stage) located at