GP2X Ways Of Programming?


Still Fresh
Jan 12, 2006
Hi Folks,

I am going to be writing an Object Oriented 2D Game Framework as part of my BSc Computing degree. I will be targeting the PlayStation 2 using the Linux development kit and the GP2X.

I want to get fairly close to the hardware rather than wrapping around an existing framework like SDL. For example on the PlayStation 2 I will be using Libps2dev which is the closest I can get without basically writing everything.

On the GP2X almost all the examples use either SDL or Allegro. I am aware of Rlyeh's Minimal Library SDK, but I was wondering is there a lower level SDK or documentation on accessing the hardware at the level I am aiming for which is complete enough for me to access everything like graphics, sound and input devices?


you can access everything directly via hardware by referencing the MMSP2 documents (and realising some of it is wrong or out of date) stores the docs

I think Rlyeh's mini lib is probably the lowest your going to get... its pretty good, the HH library's that are being written by Rob and others will be available soon (he said Dec 26th last I heard, obviously delayed again? ;) ) they will bypass linux and allow pure hardware access only, will be nicer to play with I think personally :)

what Uni you at btw?
you can access everything directly via hardware by referencing the MMSP2 documents (and realising some of it is wrong or out of date) stores the docs

I think Rlyeh's mini lib is probably the lowest your going to get... its pretty good, the HH library's that are being written by Rob and others will be available soon (he said Dec 26th last I heard, obviously delayed again? ;) ) they will bypass linux and allow pure hardware access only, will be nicer to play with I think personally :)

what Uni you at btw?

I am at the University of Central Lancashire, I am currently on a BSc (Hons) Computing Course, but I might change a few modules or stay another year and come out with the BSc (Hons) Computer Game Programming instead :)

Thanks for the link, I am looking at the documentation. I think that writing a library using those documents is probably going to be out of scope of my project. I want to show off OOP rather than my low-level skills, so I would prefer to use a library.

Where can I get information about "Rob an the others.. HH library" ?


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Where can I get information about "Rob an the others.. HH library" ?

#gp2xdev on Efnet :) lots of nice development discussion going off in there (along with random rubbish too lol) he was SUPPOSED to be releasing it soon, but obviously had some delay.. or maybe when he mentioned it he was just talking about a developers beta release? :?
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