Wanted: Wipeout-* In My Pocket.


hack hack hack, the little machines fight back
Oct 21, 2005
vienna, austria
Hey Pandora devs, any chance we could convince you to do some videos of any of the games from the WIPEOUT franchise being played on your dev boards? One thing I've always wanted is to be able to take WIPEOUT with me everywhere I go, and I for sure will be doing this as soon as possible .. in the meantime, any chance we could get some nice demo videos in the future, featuring the WIPEOUT universe?
torpor said:
Hey Pandora devs, any chance we could convince you to do some videos of any of the games from the WIPEOUT franchise being played on your dev boards? One thing I've always wanted is to be able to take WIPEOUT with me everywhere I go, and I for sure will be doing this as soon as possible .. in the meantime, any chance we could get some nice demo videos in the future, featuring the WIPEOUT universe?

For a lifelong dream it would have been really simple to just buy a PSP if that's all you want.

Just saying.
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Yeah, the PSP Wipeouts (Pure & Pulse) are great, and very beautiful. And you can also play the PSX Wipeouts too using POPS (the PSX emulator) if you install custom firmware (all PSP owners should IMO).

But no doubt the PSX Wipeouts will run extra beautifully on Pandora.
torpor said:
Hey Pandora devs, any chance we could convince you to do some videos of any of the games from the WIPEOUT franchise being played on your dev boards? One thing I've always wanted is to be able to take WIPEOUT with me everywhere I go, and I for sure will be doing this as soon as possible .. in the meantime, any chance we could get some nice demo videos in the future, featuring the WIPEOUT universe?
The PSP is perfect for that and more.
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This thread just made me buy Wipeout and Wipeout 2097. I also bought G-Police but that was for purely nostalgic reasons I assure you. (Ah, the good times when my friend sold his Super Nintendo for a Playstation and we had to put up with bloody G-Police instead of having fun with Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Zelda ALttP... <_< )
I'm going to go buy all the Wipeouts I can find at the local PSX-dump, just so I can have them ready for when the Pandora rolls into my life ..
hitbyambulance said:
OrR said:
This thread just made me buy Wipeout and Wipeout 2097.
get Wipeout3 - analog support on the DualShock is brilliant.
hitbyambulance said:
yeh but 2097/XL's neGcon support is better imo
also be on the lookout for wip3out(3) Special Edition as it contains tracks/teams and weapons from the previous games also the menu graphics should be easier to read on WO3SE than WO3

Qirex forever
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s0 liek i HeR|) 7h4t t3h p4|\|d0rA c4n eM00l4t3 teh PSP. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1111111oneoneonesix