Wanted: Smartqt5 (probably Ctfs)


Mar 3, 2008
Ok, so this is my second topic in the marketplace looking for an obscure chinese PMP. Cut me some slck mods, not like anyone is using this section anyway. ;)

So, while I am still looking for a JXD 301, I am also interested in the SmartQ T5! So, questions for the person who has one:

How is the snes? Gba? gbc? Is the tv out of acceptable quality (Unlike the GP2X)? Tv in- How does it work? Is the 3 button layout weird? What kind of re-encoding do the videos need? Sorry for all the questions, there are no good reviews of the SmartQ that focus on these areas. Also.... What are the differences between the smartq t5 and the smartq t5 II? Which one do you have?

Finally....Price. These appear to got for about $145 shipped new, and absolutely no used ones to be had. What is a good price for these? I have tons of gear that I can trade as well, (DS, a few flashcarts, psone lcds (some are LED modded), a ton of other stuff.....). Anyone interested? ;)
I own the SmartQ T5-II. The difference between the two is that the T5-II has more RAM and a more powerful Blackfin processor with a higher core clock speed. It's also got an independent Wolfson audio chip, so sound is handled by that as opposed to the processor, making emulation better and sound quality higher. iPods use Wolfson chips. Emulation on the device is damn near perfect, and most games I've tested (especially GBA and SNES) are simply awesome. NeoGeo, I can't speak for, because it uses some odd proprietary ROM file, and the few ROMs I've found for it didn't run. Haven't tested the TV-out feature, but from what I hear, it's very good. The ability to play almost all movie file formats without conversion is also nice to have, and the GUI on the device is extremely good, looks more American than Chinese crapola. Case-wise, the unit feels very solid and well-constructed. The only issue I had with it is that when it shipped, one of the buttons didn't work. Fixed that, though, it was simply a cold solder joint (thank you Benheck!) :P

Anyways, as far as price goes, I dunno. Over $100, but no higher than, say, $130-ish. Unless, of course, that DS of yours happens to be a Lite... :D
Well....Actually, I have a DS Lite, but it is custom, with clear shell, black face panels, clear buttons, and UV lighting in the bottom half. As such, I would prefer not trade it, because a custom DS Lite can fetch a lot of dough on ebay. ;)

Would you be at all interested in a overclocked, custom painted black and silver GBC? Not as a direct trade of course, but just a small part of it. Would you be interested in a MINT custom black and white DS Phat, a flashcard of your choice (I can post what I have, I gotta go check) and maybe, depending on if you need one, a microsd card? I would say that stuff would be worth over $130.

I understand if you would rather have a DS lite than a Phat, (Or for that matter, cash over any kind of DS) but if the reason is the lower brightness screen, I might have a solution. The LED backlight is being driven at 2.9v at variable ma (Depends on the load). However, the leds they used are rated at safe for continous 3.6v! I found the mobo points for the backilight voltage out, I am going to see if I can rewire it to run from the GBA cart slot power points. Those give out 3.4 under light load, and I have used them many times for internal DS led mods. Would you be more interested if I get this working? Hope to hear back from you soon! B)
If it's not a DS Lite, then sorry, cash only. :D It's just that the Lite is a side thing, I've been trying to get my sister a cheap one or one I can trade for. She has a phat one, and she doesn't like the fact that it's not "pretty". :lol: We might be able to integrate the flash card in, though, do you have like an R4 or something? Or is it a GBA cart of some kind?

To be honest, straight cash would be best. How about $110 = shipping, if you're interested?
Ok, I understand. My flashcart is a DSTT, which recieved the GBA-TEMP gold award for best flashcart! It works great, and I can sell it along with a 2gb microsd with the latest firmware and a bunch of....Er....Oh yeah, those "backups" of the games that you already legally own! Remember, you sent them to me the other day for off site archival purposes! ;) It is a very nice slot 1 ds card, built in action replay codes with a nice checkbox menu activation system, a super simple menu, and auto DLDI patch. If you really want the DS Lite, I could just order one with a blown fuse and replace it for under $60, then trade with you! :lol: Also, when you say "$110=shipping", does that mean shipping is included? Would you take $45 off the price if I include the flashcart? Let me know!
palmertech said:
Ok, I understand. My flashcart is a DSTT, which recieved the GBA-TEMP gold award for best flashcart! It works great, and I can sell it along with a 2gb microsd with the latest firmware and a bunch of....Er....Oh yeah, those "backups" of the games that you already legally own! Remember, you sent them to me the other day for off site archival purposes! ;) It is a very nice slot 1 ds card, built in action replay codes with a nice checkbox menu activation system, a super simple menu, and auto DLDI patch. If you really want the DS Lite, I could just order one with a blown fuse and replace it for under $60, then trade with you! :lol: Also, when you say "$110=shipping", does that mean shipping is included? Would you take $45 off the price if I include the flashcart? Let me know!
Sorry, meant to say $110 + shipping. :lol: Anyways, as cool as the flash cart sounds, Dealextreme has good deals on R4s, which I would rather have. Would you be willing to do a straight-up buy? $125 shipped I'd estimate?
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Good news! I just got a DS lite, same as before, crimson top, black bottom, clear inner panels, works perfect. How about a straight trade? I do not have a wall charger, only USB one, so it would be included, new ones on DX are about $3! :D

On a side not, dont get the R4. The only people who still buy it are the ones who read year old reviews that praise it, there are far better cards out there. Also, notice the the DX R4 even says in the description that it is not related to the orginal R4. In fact, it is just a re-branded NCARD, which is BAD! Like, kill your DS with a blown fuse bad.

If for some reason the DS Lite becomes un available, I would buy the SmartQ for $115 shipped.

Let me know if this is acceptable to you, I have somebody who keeps trying to buy this DS! :lol:
i thought it was the N5's that busted your DSes? the Ncard is a simple card with built in memory that has attracted a bunch of clones, such as the k6.
i would go with the Acekard 2, if the batch issues are all worked out.
Darn it, you are right. Ncard has built in storage, N5 is that bad card, and the new R4 "advance" that DX has is just a rebranded N5. Thanks for the error correction!

My Acekard II is coming in the mail today or tomorrow! I hope it lives up to my expectations!
Deal! :D PM me with shipping information and the like, thanks!

EDIT: Eh, I dunno, the cash is tempting... either way, you'll get your SmartQ, I just have to pick if cash or the DS would be a better use for me. I'll let you know later today!
Ok, cool. I would much prefer trading the DS, as I have no cash in paypal right now, but whatever you decide. I could even sell you the DSTT and 2gb card at the same price I bought it for, plus $1 for upgrading to the latest firmware. So $30 for DSTT and 2gb card, if you want it. I can ship it with the DS for free. Or maybe you could ship me a decent SD card with the SmartQ to pay for it? Let me know later, then I can PM with details.

Keep in mind you could sell the DS Lite on ebay for at LEAST $140, it is mint with the custom case, so you could actually make more money that way. Hmm... I just got an offer for that DS, it might make more sense to sell it, then pay you. How ok would you be with a normal cased DS? I could probably even get a pink one! Let me know... I keep trying to get the terms solid, but other people keep messing with me! See, this guy had a broken DS Lite, I fix it, give it back, he breaks something else, he says he will just trade a working DS Phat for it, then he wants it back, the he lacks the money... Cant make up his mind! :lol:

If you would take the DS, I will just tell him I previoulsy commited it to someone, and that I will just give him a new one.

Thanks for being so flexible, ChronoTriggerFan!
I think I'd rather do the money, man, sorry. :( It'd be the final straw to buy all the accessories I want for the Pandora; my sister can wait anyways, I was just doing this out of pure kindness (she's being a jerk right now, so it's probably for the best, no?)
I don't know, a shiny new DS might get her to be nice again! ;) What I do with my sister is lend her a gadget (Like my DS) that I do not use, then take it back if she is nasty to me. GEts her back yo being nice in no time! :P

I totally understand the need for money though, so no worries. My Pandora fund has been growing rather large, I could buy a mid range laptop for the money I have saved! :lol: When do you need the money? I can probably paypal tomorrow, especially if you could ship the same day! Not likely, but one can hope. Also, would you happen to have a spare SD card you could throw in? 128mb is fine, my N800 has two SD slots, one has a 4gb, one has 2gb. The 2gb is only being used for a 128 ram extension (Kinda like vista readyboost), and I found that I do not really need much storage on it. If you could throw in a small SD card, then I could swap out the 4gig. I would be very thankful if you did it out of the kindness of your heart, but I would also be willing to pay a few bucks. Let me know, and then PM me paypal instructions! I will in turn PM my address.

BTW, I sympathize with your current position of no handheld game consoles, I have recently sold all mine for money! I made a good profit because they were all modded in some way, so I am using the funds to buy back replacements, plus a few extras (Like your SmartQ) and leaving a bit for my Pandora fund.

One more thing: How well does chrono trigger run on the SNES emulator? Is the sound ok?

Yeah, Paypal would be best. I can probably get it out Thursday morning, would that be acceptable? I've got no clue how CT runs on it, unfortunately, as I've yet to test it out. I'd be glad to include a 128 meg SD card for you as well.
Thursday is fine. :) As long as you get the under 7 days shipping option, dont want to wait like 2 weeks. ;) If you could test chrono trigger, that would be great. If not, no worries, I am buying it either way. Thanks for the 128mb card, you rock!

Look forward to dealing with you! PM me with paypal instructions.