Wanted: Cheap Gp32 To Run Linux


Still Fresh
Sep 8, 2004
Hi, the gp32 linux port has really got me tempted so I'm looking for a cheap gp32. I don't care about backlight at all. I just want something to run linux on.
I may be tempted by a broken unit as long it's not going to affect me too much, eg. dodgy buttons, cracked casing, may even consider a broken screen.
By cheap I don't mean I'm want to pay £10 under the value of the unit :) basically I don't want to pay for any frills, just a basic unit to get into the gp32 scene. I probably want a someone's old unit, seems like a lot of people have upgraded to a BLU.

I've only discovered the gp32 in the past few days so if anyone can help out by giving an idea of what sorta price I want to be paying for a basic unit then that would be helpful.
idlewild posted on Sep 8 2004 at 12:44 PM said:
By cheap I don't mean I'm want to pay £10 under the value of the unit :) basically I don't want to pay for any frills, just a basic unit to get into the gp32 scene. I probably want a someone's old unit, seems like a lot of people have upgraded to a BLU.

I've only discovered the gp32 in the past few days so if anyone can help out by giving an idea of what sorta price I want to be paying for a basic unit then that would be helpful.

what, like £60 - £70 for a Non-Flu in Perfect Condition? ??
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Octavious posted on Sep 13 2004 at 01:43 AM said:
he didnt say perfect


well Ill smash the Screen if that helps :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Buy the GP32 GBAX Modified (166 - 180 mhz) (Non GBAX versions are only *UP TO* 166 mhz) version for $144.87 (£119) at www.gbax.com...No I don't work for them, but if I had any money at all, and wasn't so poor (I mean REALLY poor) I would save up to buy the better/ less costly GBAX Modded one at gbax.com
Vigilante posted on Sep 18 2004 at 12:15 AM said:
Buy the GP32 GBAX Modified (166 - 180 mhz) (Non GBAX versions are only *UP TO* 166 mhz) version for $144.87 (£119) at www.gbax.com...No I don't work for them, but if I had any money at all, and wasn't so poor (I mean REALLY poor) I would save up to buy the better/ less costly GBAX Modded one at gbax.com

u sound like u work for them :P

Also, Your Price is WAY off... The Actaul price from GBAX is -

"Total Price: £ 148.6 ($ 234.78 - Euro 228.84) "
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I apologise for the shameless sale promotion but i think i have something which will fit the bill. I am currently auctioning a GP32 on ebay.

GP32 Auction

Please let me know if you have any questions.


I hope it is ok to post a link to an ebay auction.
I have a GP32 (was a flu, but I broke the ribbon cable that connects the light to the power source. Everything works great, buttons, screen, etc. comes with original box, USB cable, CD full of software, and gbax.com warranty (i think its good till november. selling for $80 bucks US money shipped. Its already packed up ready to go out. I can only accept money order, or check though. Let me know if your intrested.
I'm in the UK so it might be a bit too awkward especially since you can't accept paypal or anything. It would be perfect otherwise :(
If you mean awkward like trust, i have an ebay account by "benandjerrys04" and an account on Neo-Geo.com as "The Moose" I have plenty of feedback in those two places. Also, here at gp32x.de, im the guy who donated Pirotic a chatboard. :lol: But anyways, its here if youd like it. I just need some money for a Neo Geo Project im working on.
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