Want To Build A Retro Review Corner


Certified Guru
Feb 18, 2003
I run a review site, which usually just focuses on DVDs, but I'd really like to add some retro content, specifically classic games for the old 8 bit computers (and maybe consoles). Just the good games, as a way of knowing what people should be acquiring for their emulators when Pandora comes out.

I guess my specific interests here are for people who have a lot of experience of the Spectrum, C64, Amiga and ST, with maybe some Atari 2600 thrown in for good measure.

Maybe there is someone keen to try old classics for these, that never played them the first time around but has learnt to appreciate the retro scene rather than thinking, "this is rubbish, its not even proper 3D!"

Is anybody interested? Obviously you have to have a bit of knowledge of the English language, using actual words rather than txt speak. :)

No money in it alas, but it might be a nice way to eventually produce a definitive collection of must-have old games, rather than these tired old Top 10 etc run downs that appear on the net, always missing out major titles.
For the love of *Idontwanttoharmanyreligion* your a mod, you post it in the General Talk [Pandora] sub-forum and this is a post that belongs in the off-topic section, this isnt Pandora related.
RobertJ is a GP Guru, Not a Moderator. He has done a great deal for the GP32x community and was awarded his Guru status because of this, But does not have moderator privileges.

The award badges are different.

GP Guru badge = Outstanding help or work for, Of or towards the GP32x community.

Xtreme Team badge = Member of the GP32x moderator`s team or site admin.

But i guess you may be right, This may not be the appropriate place for this topic.


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No money in it alas, but it might be a nice way to eventually produce a definitive collection of must-have old games, rather than these tired old Top 10 etc run downs that appear on the net, always missing out major titles.
So wait, what exactly are you asking?
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I've done 3 or 4 Atari ST Game of the Weeks lately, but I've been tied up hard the last week or two so missed a few.. hoping to pick it up again soon.

If you like, I will let you cross post 'em.. I should look at your site and ... oh, you didn't include the link this round :) Let us know so we can take a peek, sign up, etc.

(I was sort of saddened that no one else picked up the Game of the Week reins for other platforms :(

Apologies for the wrong forum, seemed the most logical to me at the time! (As a Pandora pre-orderer, I do hope to develop for this as I've not done any stuff since the GP32, had and enjoyed my Gp2X but never really did much dev on it).

If you'd fancy doing that, would be great Skeezix!

Anyone else interested in writing retro reviews, send us a private message. Don't really want to post the URL as it would feel like advertising or spam. :o
Very interested in your review corner (not as a reviewer, but as viewer). I have a retrogaming blog http://retro-bob.blogspot.com/. The more retrogaming sites the better :)
Unfortunately my review qualities are not that good, so usually I'm linking (not stealing) to people who wrote something I would have done when I had the skills. I also add a youtube link to the game.

I hope to see great reviews on your site. If the content is good, you will certainly see some links to it on my blog.